A piece of appadvice?

Can a dedicated app for managing student courses establish its place against all of the generic task managers of the App Store? Read the full review by appadvice.com to find out!

We liked it. Really! 🙂

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User's Guide now available!

While working hard to make the app contain as many useful tools as it is possible within known limits, we got to understand the fact that some new users may experience difficulties trying to figure out some things that to us and those who’d been using the app from the beginning appear to be intuitive. We received some letters with “how to” questions and decided to create user’s guide to facilitate the acquaintance with the app to all who are new to it.

So if you just bought iStudiez Pro and are about to launch it for the first time, you may find it quite appropriate to visit the user’s guide page on our website and take a quick look at how the app can be used in the most effective of ways.

We hope that experienced users of iStudiez Pro will also find some good tips and tricks, especially when it goes about inputting some really complicated type of schedule in the app.
Feel free to leave your comments here, we are open to your advice, as always!


Black Friday SALE – two days remain!

Yep, that’s true, iStudiez Pro now costs 0,99$ which is 65% off, starting Friday 27, November, the sale will last this weekend only!

Those who have not yet bought the app, here’s your chance to finally do it!
More good news to follow soon 🙂


iStudiez Pro is back to App Store – welcome version 1.1.2

Now, all’s fine, the app’s on App Store, the long craved for push notifications feature working perfectly, no more absurd accuses of ‘piracy’ that some of you experienced with 1.1.1 (once again, sorry for that!)

As we can judge by our server dynamics, you guys really needed that push option, so enjoy! And, as always we are open to your sugestions and feedback re the functions of iStudiez Pro. BTW, we’ve already listed some new things to implement in the future updates.  Stay tuned. 😉


The app is temporarily not available from App Store

Version 1.1.1 was approved today, but unfortunately those who have already updated saw unexpected alert saying the app is pirated…
Please accept our apologies, the whole situation deals with unpredictable side effect of our new crack detection that we had implemented in 1.1.1.
You will not have to pay for the update when it appears on App Store.

To prevent further distribution of iStudiez Pro with this bug we’ve decided to remove it from sales until the fixed version is approved.  We re-submitted version 1.1.1 today and have additionally got in contact with Apple to request fast approval.

NOTE: meanwhile DO NOT remove the app from your devices. All your data/backup will be safe when loading the update.

We apologize again and thank you for your understanding.


Fixing non-stop during the weekend: update 1.1.1 submitted!

Yeah, that was the oh-my-gosh-why-on-earth-it-does-not-work weekend. We’ve put all our efforts and energy to fix the push thing asap so that you can finally enjoy getting notified of your classes and assignments.

We’ve received several hundreds of letters from you for the past few days. It was a great help as many of you have outlined some problems that seemed to occur while installing version 1.1 on different devices as well as some mistakes in localizations. We thank each and everyone of you for your comments and support!

BTW, special thanks for those who sent us their crash logs, it is the easiest and the fastest way to locate any bug when an app unexpectedly quits.

So what we fixed:
– PUSH notifications (hopefully this time will work properly)
– bug with semester time frames
– occasional crash when creating new instructor
– week view operation
– occasional crash when tapping Calendar

BONUS! with 1.1.1 you can add assignments, classes and exams from Calendar view.


Version 1.1 available in AppStore

Dear all!

Version 1.1 has just been finally approved by Apple and now is available in AppStore. You are welcome to send us your feedback regarding the new features etc.

IMPORTANT: Push notifications do not work at the moment.
We understand that it is frustrating for you, but please believe it is no less frustrating for us.
The build we test and the build we submit for Apple’s approval are two different things. So push worked perfectly when we submitted our build for approval and then, we guess, some conflict in the code appeared. We are investigating the issue.

P.S. Please don’t hurry to rate negatively on App Store, this is a force majeure and we will do our best to deliver solution asap.

Thank you!


Version 1.1 submitted for Apple's approval

As promised (this time no delays and excuses) yesterday we have finally submitted iStudiez Pro version 1.1 for Apple’s approval. Let’s hope that won’t take long.


Almost there!

We are just one step away from submitting version 1.1 to AppStore.

Just collected the feedback from our translators regarding all localizations (LOTS of thanks to all of you guys, your help is much valued!)
Now we need to make one more final clearance with all platforms of iPhone/iPod and we are ready to go for Apple’s approval.

So whatever happens we will submit to AppStore this weekend.
Fingers crossed 😉

Thanks again for your patience!


So when comes version 1.1 ?!

Hi everyone,

We’ve been receiving tons of e-mails asking where’s the version 1.1 finally (and we understand the impatience very much indeed!), so we decided to update you as to where we are now.

We have not yet submitted to AppStore, because we are still adding some last-minute features and details, polishing, fixing, testing again etc. We are very sorry for the delay, but at the same time we are now pretty sure version 1.1 is worth waiting for.

Please excuse us for the delay and grant us a little more of your patience, we are doing our best to deliver soon!

Thank you!