Reviews of iStudiez Pro around the web world

Recently we’ve mentioned that world famous web resources dedicated to reviewing iPhone and iPad apps did some reviews of iStudiez Pro. As soon as we are lucky to be reviewed in many languages, we’ve decided to share the links here (with due respect and special thanks to the authors, of course).

We hope that checking out these links will help those of you who have not yet (for god-knows-what reason) got iStudiez Pro to manage their academics.

First and foremost, Landing Pad has just posted iStudiez Pro screenshot. Thanks guys, we appreciate that very much!

On 26th of April Smoking Apples published a very comprehensive review in English language by Nick Wood. Thanks Nick, you rock! Same day Giacomo Canal contributed a review in Italian to and Siquitraki wrote an article in Spanish on the

Small review in German was published by Von Nicolas on on the 14th of April, nice comments though.

iStudiez Pro was also mentioned as app of the 1st week of April on (Spanish) and on (French). Interesting remark about iStudiez Pro and iPad Calendar was made on (French).

And finally, on the 20th of March we catched a nice review in Japanese published on

Thank you all guys, we value your attention and will take into account all your comments to make iStudiez Pro better and even more attractive 😉