Cloud Sync for mobile version: coming in iStudiez Pro 1.5

We are glad to officially announce that the update with Cloud Sync for iStudiez Pro is on its way and will be available in version 1.5 after you guys help us test it.

Cloud Sync option will allow keep your iStudiez Pro data automatically updated on your iPhone, iPod, iPad and Mac (once iStudiez Pro for Mac is released).

Now we are in need of 10 volunteer beta-testers for mobile version, so you are welcome to contact us if you wish to test Cloud Sync for iStudiez Pro. Please read carefully the conditions sine qua non to become a beta-tester:

  1. Confirm that you have both iPhone(iPod) AND iPad devices;
  2. Indicate UDIDs for both devices in your application letter and send it to our support mail;
  3. Confirm that you are aware you will be testing the beta-version and that you risk losing your data during the testing.

We’ll be contacting first 10 beta-testers who will send their application letters to us.

UPDATE: call for beta-testers is now closed.
Thanks for all your applications 🙂