Acknowledgements first! Thanks a ton to our TestFlight beta testers who worked hard to make sure they never lose any bug creeping past them in the last update of iStudiez Pro. It let us make some really nice polishing and deliver you the results.
iStudiez Pro now works flawlessly on iOS 11. Furthermore, iPhone X users may be pleased with the UI improvements (here we go, on a never-ending road to perfection).
We hope you like the course statistics available now in Planner pane on iPhone.
Yet we dare think you may also adore some other small yet powerful candies in the app 😉
iStudiez LITE just got the biggest update too. With all the novelties the Pro version has had in 2017 (yep, Drag & Drop, Split View etc.) the first-use-experience of our newcomer users should be similar to unpacking a Christmas present 🙂
That’s how we hint that you can easily recommend iStudiez LITE to those who have not yet made up their minds to own the Pro version.
AND, be brave and be our ambassadors, as we are always on guard for you.