iStudiez Pro – app of the week in Western Europe

We would like to share our joy with you guys, as the news gives us motivation to go further.

iPad sales started in Western Europe on the 28th of May and we are lucky with iStudiez Pro to be featured as app of the week in App Store in Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Portugal (and hopefully in more countries, we couldn’t track all).

Such a nice surprise energized us this weekend and we would like to say that we are thankful to Apple for the support and promotion of our app. 🙂

P.S. Now working like mad on desktop and sync…


iStudiez Pro promo in Apple Stores

Hi there! It seems that our app is being promoted in Apple Retail Stores in the US.

So in case you see the demo version exhibited in any store and can make some photos and send to us, we will be happy to give you a promo code in exchange.

Please only send us photos where the printed ad or demo version can be properly seen. When taking photos please ensure that they show the Apple Store interior as well (so that we understand that the photo has really been taken in one of the Apple Stores not somewhere else).

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

06 Sep 2009 Thanks for everyone who have sent us photos of iStudiez Pro promo in Apple Stores.  We’ve received lots of confirmations that our app was in fact promoted by Apple, and it’s great 🙂
So thanks again, no more photos needed as we are out of our promo codes for version 1.0.3.

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