Hello Japan!

Judging from our sales it appears that our app is very much successful in your country, so we would like to make it more suitable and convenient for the Japanese people.

And what can be more convenient than having the possibility of using the app you like in your own language? So we are kindly calling you guys to volunteer and help us localize iStudent Pro into the Japanese language.

In exchange we’ll supply you with promo code (promo code will let  you download iStudent Pro free of charge from AppStore). Also, you name will appear on the Info page of the Japanese localization.

Looking forward to hear from you!
Please send your feedback to  support@istudentpro.com

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Critical update is available on AppStore

Hello to everyone and here’s the good news: we’ve just released iStudent Pro 1.0.1 update to AppStore and now it’s available for free download for all who’d purchased the application.

We are working to release the 1.0.2. update shortly with many new features (including major Assignments area improvements) and localizations to come!



We want iStudent Pro to speak your language…

We have just started working on the next update of iStudent Pro and among new things and features that we plan to include in the app, we are thinking to add more languages for your convenience.

As you know, right now the app hosts English, French, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian localizations. We’ve also received some generous offers from volunteers who will kindly help us with Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Hungarian, Dutch and German localizations.

So now we are calling you fans of iStudent Pro to contribute to the development of the application and help us with the localization into the language of your country.

Your help will be much appreciated and your name will appear on the Info page in the localization made by you.

If you feel you could help us with translating iStudent Pro into your language, please e-mail us.


Ta-Taa! First update submitted (1.0.1)!

Here it is finally! We have just released and submitted to Apple’s approval the first critical update of iStudent Pro. 🙂

So what’s new?

  • general performance improved
  • occasional crashes while editing Courses FIXED
  • classes repeating every two weeks now are reflected correctly on the Calendar view

Just a quick reminder that it usually takes Apple about a week to review and approve changes, so please be patient.

We’ll inform you as soon as update appears on AppStore.

P.S. No need to say the update is free of charge for those who already bought the application.

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AppCraver put it 8 out of 10 for iStudent Pro!

Great news!

Recent review of iStudent Pro posted on AppCraver.com adds up to all the positive feedback that we got so far from users (yep, you guys!) and we hope there will be more!

We specially thank to Michael Alexander for the highest evaluation of iStudent Pro we’ve received so far. Michael tested the app and judging from the article he really enjoyed the intuitive interface and elegant simplicity. ‘iStudent Pro might be the App of Your Dreams’ he says and we completely agree 🙂

The work to perfect the app as much as possible goes on, so keep watching us 😉


Re. occasional crashes

Dear iStudent Pro users,

Recently we’ve received a number of letters from you where you evaluate our application highly and we appreciate your feedback very much.

For those of you who encountered problems caused by occasional crashes of the app (yes, we know it’s boring), please note that we have already figured out what was the issue and right now we are working hard to fix it and release the respective free update.

We will notify you here in our blog and of course through AppStore when the update is finally available.

We thank you for your patience and apologize for the inconvenieces caused by crashes.

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iStudent Pro: the story

We would like to tell more about our first app that took six months of hot discussions in order to make a really useful tool for students to handle their academics at all stairs of their education ladder.

From the very beginning we decided that the application must be universal and useable for as much students worldwide as possible. This made us spend weeks studying various academics from colleges, high schools and universities on the web. When we collected all necessary info, our hair stood on end as mixed together it all appeared to be a disaster. So we tried to find some common usuals from education structure of different countries and expand them further based on logic and intuition.

What’s particular about iStudent Pro is that the team grew in quality and quantity since the idea was developing. Architect called for interface design artist who called for copywriter and localizations manager who was then double checked by native speaker and native american students (which means the app survived tests on the battlefield). We also tortured everyone who happened to ask what exactly we are working on by making them test the app and giving their opinions and critical comments (on and on and on until the whole developers team were called nuts and maniacs).

Every time when the app was almost ready (first in December, then in January, then late February and finally end of March) we found it important to add new features or improve already existing. Each and every interface detail is thoroughly thought over and argued about, we wanted our users to feel the app to be natural to their thinking and mentality wherever they might need to use it.


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