Welcome iStudiez Pro on Android!

We can hardly believe it’s been 7 years since iStudiez Pro was released to the world. So we want to celebrate it properly: iStudiez Pro Android version launches now!

Most important piece of news first:
As a tribute to the Back-To-School period the app will be available on Google Play Store for 1,99 USD – ONLY during TWO weeks after release date! Let’s rock-start the launch 😉

Now the functional part:
The Android version complements to the range of platforms where iStudiez Pro is available now. All app versions sync between each other smoothly and free of charge.
Please keep in mind that only after mass-launch (read: when you guys start using it A LOT) we’ll be able to see and fix minor bugs that somehow crawl into every virgin release. You know the steps: email to our support and we’ll magically solve all your issues, as always.

And the sentimental part (come on, everyone does that!):
Used in everyday academic life by hundreds of thousands of high school, college and university students across the globe, iStudiez Pro won respect and became trustworthy application that constantly gets recommended by students to students, year by year.

So as soon as we all know how great the app is, let’s do more.
Please talk about iStudiez Pro in your social networks, refer to our website or Facebook page or Twitter. Small mentions by each of you will inspire us to bring more wonderful things and projects to you in the future!

Enjoy iStudiez Pro on Android!
We stay in touch!