In questo articolo vorrei parlarti di iStudiez Pro, un’app famosa e utilizzata da migliaia di studenti per la gestione del proprio studio, del calendario e del controllo delle lezioni e via dicendo.
A quelques jours des vacances d’hiver, je vous propose d’installer iStudiez Pro sur votre Mac ainsi que sur vos iPhone et autre iPad, un excellent agenda pour étudiants pendant qu’il est encore offert. Temporairement gratuit pour macOS, iStudiez Pro est un logiciel indispensable à tout étudiant à la recherche d’un outil lui permettant d’organiser ses heures de cours, suivre ses notes, planifier son travail, etc.
Pour ne plus manquer aucun cours, le design particulièrement réussi de l’interface qui est d’ailleurs très proche de celui des versions iOS permet de visualiser d’un seul coup d’oeil le planning de la journée et de la semaine ainsi que tous les événements liés à une vie scolaire bien chargée. Si vous avez un iPhone ou un iPad, vous pourrez bien évidemment synchroniser toutes ces données avec votre Mac.
SourceImagine having your schedule, planner, courses, assignments and grades – all in one place. Yes, you will no longer have to juggle different kinds of information and get lost in the clutter. All you have to do is download iStudiez Pro to be on top of your game at college.
You can feed in your upcoming assignments, projects, meetings, exams and be notified well in advance to give your best. This app is available on Android, iOS and Windows. The mobile version costs , and the computer version costs. What’s more, you can sync your details across all devices with a push of a button. This app also comes with a GPA calculator to calculate your grades and track progress!
SourceAre you missing your classes all the time? iStudiez Pro is a unique planner that lets you input and manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedules.
iStudiez Pro: Den Alltag im Griff. Stunden- und Vorlesungspläne, anstehende Klausuren, Hausarbeiten und mehr hält iStudiez Pro in einer übersichtlichen Oberfläche und erinnert zuverlässig an sämtliche zu erledigenden Aufgaben.
Die App ist für iPhone, Android, Windows und Mac verfügbar und synchronisiert Daten automatisch – auf dem iPhone eingegebene Änderungen werden also vom Heim-PC übernommen. Auch mit Google Calendar gleicht die App ihre Daten ab – Konflikte zwischen Uni- und privaten Terminen werden so sofort sichtbar.
SourceJe tu nový školní rok a spolu s ním přichází kromě hromady povinností také příležitost obohatit svůj iPhone či iPad o několik nových aplikací, které vám navíc studentský život značně usnadní. Které to jsou?
Aplikace iStudiez Pro Legendary Planner má za sebou již sedm let úspěšného „kralování“ v iOS zařízení stovek tisíc studentů po celém světě. Kombinuje v sobě plánovač, do kterého můžete zanášet všechny důležité události dne, speciální sekci, určenou domácím úkolům a zkouškám, a nabízí přehledné denní zobrazení všechno, co vás čeká a co máte za úkol. Umožňuje integraci s kalendářem, sledování prospěchu, a nabízí i verzi pro Apple Watch.
SourceMit der App, iStudiez Pro hat man all seine bevorstehenden Prüfungstermine und Aufgaben auf einem Blick, in einer App und dank der Cloud Synchronisation auf jedem Gerät. Die App verfügt über einen sehr innovativen Stundenplan, in dem man nicht nur die Kurse eintragen kann sondern auch Noten, den Namen des Professors und den Ort wo der Kurs stattfindet.
iStudiez Pro eine wunderbare App für Studenten und Schüler, die gerne Organisiert sind. Der Preis für die App ist auch vollkommen gerechtfertigt, denn die App umfasst eine große Anzahl toller Features und dass, zusammengefasst in nur einer App. Wunderbar ist auch das es sich um einen einmal kauf handelt, somit fallen nachträglich keine nervigen Abo Gebühren an.
Source‘Unique built-in planner lets you input and easy manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedule.
iStudiez Pro è una delle utility più famose ed apprezzate per la gestione degli impegni scolastici su Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch e dispositivi Android. Il programma offre una serie completa di strumenti che permettono di gestire ogni aspetto della vita e degli impegni di scuola, con funzioni indicate per i genitori che desiderano tenere sotto controllo gli impegni scolastici dei propri figli (dalle scuole elementari, passando per strumenti indicati per gli studenti delle superiori fino all’università).
Now, while studying can mean hours spent in the library, it doesn’t have to be so boring! As digital technology continues to improve, there are more and more apps to help make studying both easier and more fun.
Quoi de plus stressant, au moment de partir en cours, que ne plus savoir dans quelle salle se déroule le 1er cours ? Grâce à iStudiez Pro, vous programmez tout votre trimestre. Matière, professeur, salle de cours, rien ne manque pour vous éviter d’oublier votre programme.
This is a simple but great tool that allows you to see your daily or weekly appointments and tasks so that you never miss a thing.
IStudiez keeps track of when forum posts or assignments are due. This app will help you reduce procrastination and prevent you from forgetting to do your classwork.
I love iStudiez app @iStudiez I’ve been telling all my fellow students! Thank you for keeping me so organized! I’m glad to see these notifications. Class is back in session #SummerSemester #iStudiez
@iStudiez is still one of my favourite apps. It got me through High School and it’s getting me through uni today! :+1: thanks for a brilliant app
@iStudiez Best app ever! Especially it’s Apple Watch integration! What is better than a watch telling you remaining time of lectures?
First week of grad school and @iStudiez on Android already saved me twice 😅!
@iStudiez I'm a professor and this app is the greatest help to remember my classes, exams and other things. Thank you, you're great!
@iStudiez The best! Efficient and organized! Congratulations!
Been using @iStudiez Pro for the first few weeks at school; really recommend for any student! Check it out:
I really love the app. Depend on it even. Thank you for supporting it for so long.
No sé qué haría sin iStudiez Pro.
Voor de studenten die er een rommeltje van maken.. De iStudiez Pro app is handig voor het maken van planningen! 🤓📚
@iStudiez another cool thing, it notifies when your class is about to start. This app is really perfect for college!
Ya está! Planificación del cuatrimestre hecha. Te quiero iStudiez Pro.
If you want an app that can help you stay on track with courses and even remind you what assignments are due today, download iStudiez
iStudiez Pro is an Android app where it’ll increase the student’s productivity level due to its unique way of organizing schedule. It is for students from all around the world who are having problems or issues in organizing their assignments, schedule of classes, etc.
For seven years, iStudiez Pro has been helping thousands of students around the world to track their schedules better. There are still several students who are even using their traditional planners to organize their plans. It may be fine, but sometimes it’s going to mess around due to some erasures and poor penmanship when a schedule changes.
SourceOne of the common problems of students is their schedule. Sometimes, they have no clue on the activities that they’re doing for the whole semester or the entire school year. It is essential for a student to become productive in school.
However, one thing that hinders them is their lack of ability to organize themselves. You can buy a planner or a notebook, but it’s quite complicated sometimes. If you have an Android phone, this app will stand out from the rest of its competitors. Without further ado, I am going to review the iStudiez Pro Android app.
SourceLos deberes, las actividades extraescolares, los exámenes, las conferencias… son sólo algunas de las tareas que se acumulan a lo largo del curso y cuya organización trae de cabeza a los estudiantes. Así que tengas la edad que tengas y curses el año que sea descarga iStudiez Pro, te ayudará a llevarlo todo al día.
iStudiez es una aplicación para iPhone/iPod/iPad/Android y Mac OS X/ Windows creada con la intención de simplificar la vida del estudiante ya que ofrece un soberbio sistema de control para que así no se pierda ningún detalle de las tareas, exámenes, exposiciones o cualquier otro de los deberes escolares
SourceFür diejenigen, die öfters Block und Stift zu Hause vergessen, wichtige Termine übersehen oder morgens um 9 Uhr eine Vorlesung verschlafen, gibt es nun die Smartphone Applikation „iStudiez Pro“.
Wer Ordnung in seinen chaotischen Uni-Alltag bringen möchte, sollte sich iStudiez Pro herunterladen. Die App eignet sich nicht nur zum Organisieren und Strukturieren von wichtigen Aufgaben und Terminen – sie entwickelt sich vielmehr zu Ihrem treuen Begleiter und persönlichen Task-Manager. iStudiez Pro dient nicht nur Studenten, sondern kann auch von Schülern der Oberstufe genutzt werden.
SourceiStudiez Pro ist eine plattformübergreifende Anwendung für Mac OS, iOS, Windows und Android, mit der Studenten Fortschritte, Hausarbeiten und Noten festhalten können. Die App liefert hierbei täglich eine aktuelle Übersicht über den Stundenplan, die Kurse oder anstehende Veranstaltungen.
Damit Sie sich im Studium besser organisieren, erhalten Sie zudem eine Ansicht aller noch zu erledigenden Hausaufgaben. Im Stundenplan verwalten Sie alle Ihre Kurse inklusive der Standorte, Kursleiterinformationen, Urlaubstage und Noten. Von Vorteil ist die kostenlose Synchronisationsmöglichkeit, mit der iStudiez Pro alle erfassten Daten mit Ihren angebunden Geräten abgleicht, sobald Sie etwas eingegeben haben.
Sourceback in like 2013 I opened a starter bank account (kids one basically) and got $10 bonus for it. I used that $10 to buy the premium version of this app and 6 years later, a high school graduation, and college gradution; I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER WITH A PURCHASE IN MY LIFE. Ive used it everyday seemlessly. It such a simple app that its forgettable in the best way possible. take a bit of time the start of each semester, use every feature and it will pay off 10x over. If i had a $1 everytime the sync ability saved my from a missed exam or the iphone app resuced me from walking into a wrong lecture hall halfway thru a semester, I could pay off your loans. Get the app. sad to leave it behind. GET THE APP
Dette er et av de beste organiseringsverktøyene for studenter på App Store, og jeg har prøvd alle som finnes på nåværende tidspunkt! God og intuitiv planlegger med mange muligheter for redigering etter egenpreferanser, dette har jeg savnet i samtlige konkurrenter. Oversikt over utførte og kommende oppgaver gjør det også lett å se hva som skal gjøres. Det faktum at denne også importerer samtlige kalendere koblet mellom iCloud og eksterne kalendere, gjør alle andre unødvendige. Automatisk karakterutregner, samt vektlegging etter antall studiepoeng, er en bonus som gjør denne optimal til å følge gradsprogresjonen. JEG ANBEFALER Å PRØVE APPEN HVIS DU ER STUDENT!
If you are a university student, this app is a must-have. You can keep up with your grades and let the app do all the annoying calculations for you. It’s intuitive, beautiful, sooo convenient and it synchronizes across all your devices. It’s worth the money. One the best apps I’ve bought honestly.
O app é maravilhoso! Todas as aulas, tarefas e provas ficam super bem organizadas, tudo visualmente fácil de gerenciar e não só a rotina de estudos, mas hábitos e atividades diversas do dia a dia também (por mais que não seja o foco do app). De todas as opções que eu baixei, esse é, sem dúvidas, o melhor. 😁
I rarely do reviews, but this app was/is a true game changer for me. The only thing I regret is not having it sooner in my college career! Keeps me super organized providing a VISUAL representation of what lies ahead. Yes it takes time out of your life to input all assignments and every detail from your syllabi, but it’s totally worth it. Calculating my grades through this app allowed me to see my progress and gave me a piece of mind that I’d never had before. I’m now in grad school and WISH there was an app like this years ago for me in college. Being this organized literally motivates me to get more done and helps with procrastination. Also, the check mark feature for completed assignments is addictive and brings so much satisfaction. 😌
This app makes my nerd heart sing. I’m a senior in university and I’ve been using my iPad Pro for most of my school work for three semesters at this point, and this app is the first planning app that I have really enjoyed using. Flipping through four separate twelve page syllabi three times a day? Not anymore, suckers! This app functions as my “master syllabus” and my planner all in one. I also work part-time in addition to my full class load, and I have both my personal and work calendars synced up to this app. I honestly don’t know why this app doesn’t have more reviews. Color me obsessed.
I've used this app for four years, in both high school and college, and will continue to use it as long as I'm in school. If you don't mind the low startup cost of entering your schedule, this app makes it super easy to keep track of your assignments and classes, and is flexible enough to adapt to pretty much any learning environment. If you're entering your classes in Google Calendar and keeping track of assignments in a note on your phone (or the back of your hand), buy this app and make your life that much easier. EDIT: Whoever added the "convert class to exam" button is a genius
This app is amazing. It helps you stay organized in the best possible way. It understands everything you need to keep track off to be successful in school. I used this app every semester during my 4 years of university. AMAZING
Last time I used this was back in high school (graduated 2012) and I was so excited to see that it's still around now that I'm finally in college :) i think I had bought the old Pro under a different icloud account, but I'm super happy to be able to support the devs by buying Pro again. I loved this app in hs and, even though I was extremely depressed (to the point of attempting suicide) and never wanted to leave my bed, this app helped my grades stay good. Finished hs while in the top 15 students of my class! Thank you so much devs 😃
I have had iStudiez Pro for 4 Years now! When I bought this program, I didn’t know back then how much this software would help me succeed in keeping up with my class load. It takes a little bit to set-up each semester (grade-weights, info of all assignments, etc, etc.) but once that’s out of the way, I don't have to waste time during the semester looking up assignments or due dates. I feel confident enough to say that it is because of this app that I have not missed 1 assignment since I started using iStudiez Pro 4 years ago
Seriously this is THE app that you need. Stop your research and use that app. It’s wonderful, i’m currently using it with my Iphone and my mac. This is the best combination to be organize and have some excellent grade. I’m in love with the checklist, it helps me with the task that i need to do. Finally, the app keep track for your grade and automaticaly calculate our GPA!!!! I wish I had use this app before!
I wrote a review a couple of times but it seems like that with every update the previous reviews are lost, so I'll say it again, this app is so mandatory that I literally can't survive college without it, being on time, not forgetting an assignment, keeping track of exams and grades, basically everything a person needs, and all these small details, everything, the app is just perfect. BIG LOVE Devs, I love you for this app, you are helping me every single day to survive college the right way, you are the greatest heroes.
I’m well-qualified to review iStudiez by now; I’ve been using the app for 7 years now. Yes, SEVEN! I have also gotten plenty of hands-on experience with all of the organization apps that this competes with - I looked for better alternatives, but this remains the best. I use on Mac / iPhone, and the syncing is perfectly executed, the support team has been very helpful when I had issues once with a weird data glitch, and for 7 years I’ve continued to recommend this to fellow students. I paid for the Mac and iPhone app years ago, and it was one of the few app purchases that I would wholeheartedly pay for again / even pay more for.
Пробовал разные приложения для организации всех своих занятий в универе, но это на сегодня лучшее, что могло придумать человечество. Удобство, интуитивное управление, понятный календарь, кастомизация иконок, планирование занятий и экзаменов с заметками. Что ещё нужно для счастья? Не пожалел ни копейки!
Used this since my first year in uni until my last ever semester. Very helpful, especially the Watch app to check my class schedule. Can even calculate CGPA based on manual grade points.
Seit Jahren schon ist diese App unersetzlich für mich. Ich benutze sie sehr gerne für mein Studium. An dieser Stelle mal ein großes Dankeschön an die Entwickler. Ich finde es toll, dass die App auch weiterhin optimiert und gepflegt wird.
Benutze iStudiez Pro jetzt schon seit mehr als einem Jahr und kann nur sagen, dass es mir immer gut geholfen hat einen guten Überblick über meine Termine, Klausuren und Aufgaben gegeben hat. Es ist halt schön, dass es sehr minimalistisch gehalten ist. Ich benutze lieber diese App als einen Planer, da ich hiermit mehr Ordnung habe.
Zudem war es zu Schulzeiten hilfreich immer zu sehen, wo man Unterricht hat und ob man für das Fach noch Hausaufgaben aufhat.. Ähnliches gilt für die Uni.
Es ist einfach kurz und knapp gesagt eine schnelle Möglichkeit gut organisiert zu sein und immer alles auf einem Blick zu haben für die kommenden Tage, Stunden.
Danke für diese App und das schöne Design!
I’ve tried several other school apps and this is by far the best one yet. It’s a calendar, timetable, to-do list, and grade tracker all in one. Once I paid for the full version, I never looked back and now I’m more organized with my school life than before. Worth the price!!
Honestly this app exceeded my expectations. The options it offers in customizing my ever-changing schedule is really convenient. It’s beautiful and super easy to use. On top of all that, it’s continuously updated with neat features which makes me keep coming back to it.
I have been using this app for years now and it’s still my favorite, reliable app. I’m out of college but I still use it to organize my work schedule and personal schedule. It syncs with every other calendar and most importantly it’s clean, easy to use, and never has bug issues. Thanks!!!! Keep it up :)
This app got me through 4 years of college. Used it from day 1 to the very end and it was the perfect companion. I’m very grateful this app exists.
Not only is this app well thought out and designed, but the Apple Watch app looks and works flawlessly on my first generation Apple Watch! I was shocked because due to the watch being three years old most apps (including the built in ones) run sluggishly and stutter. While the Apple Watch app used to not be like this, it seems that the developers have improved it over the past year!
I’ve used this app for about a year now, and it’s been the best one I’ve used so far. I’ve tried a lot! The developers keep adding beneficial tweaks. It’s got a calendar, assignment spots, reminders, instructor pages, grade input, total grade graph, plus it’s color coded! Thanks whoever developed this!!!
Llevo 5 años usándola, consideró que es una aplicación necesarias para estudiantes. Muy eficiente!!
Ich nutze diese App schon seit Jahren und bin sehr zufrieden. Sie begleitete mich durch die letzten Schuljahre, den ganzen Bachelor und jetzt im Master. Besonders die Möglichkeit der Synchronisation ist toll!
Alas, my education career is coming to an end. After using the free version for a time and moving to the pro not long after, it is time to say goodbye to one of my most favorite and most loved apps. This app helped me all the way from the end of my junior year of high school through the end of grad school here in a couple weeks. Can not recommend this app enough for someone who is as scattered brained as I am, who would write things down on scraps of paper and promptly lose them. 10/10 app
Es una app indispensable para organizar tu horario escolar, me ha sido de mucha ayuda en la escuela para guardar salones de clase, maestros, tareas, etc. Muy recomendable si prefieres tener organizado tus activiades escolares en tu celular.
我是用来当做健身房的课程提醒用的,太方便了。 Thanks for updating
Fácil de usar, excelente para organizar tus deberes y planear tu día, me encanta que puedes sincronizar tu información desde diferentes dispositivos. No he tenido ningún problema y lo mejor es que si llega a haber algún problema, lo cual es demasiado raro, puedes comunicar tu problema al equipo de Istudiez Pro y te contestan en breve y dándote una solución. La verdad, es excelente!
Пользуюсь на протяжении двух лет, и это, пожалуй, самое полезное приложение на моем телефоне. Также хочется отдельно отметить приложение для Apple Watch - очень удобно сделано, можно видеть, какие сегодня пары и сколько до конца пары не доставая телефон. В общем, полный восторг!
I first came across this app when I was a freshman in college, and I’ve used it ever since! It’s literally one of the most useful apps I’ve had for scheduling and I’m really glad I bought it! 110% recommend!
It’s been a few years since I graduated college but looking back, I don’t know how I would have survived without this app. I planned homework, long term projects, tests, and my calendar using this app. For a very disorganized individual like myself having this app not only helped me manage my time and studies but also taught be how to manage my time in my non-academic life. Thank you!
Super App, um sich im Studium zu organisieren. Besonders das Widget ist eine tolle Funktion, um zu erfahren welche Module heute anstehen und welche Aufgaben für die nächste Woche anfällt.
As a student of an “Advanced Age” as my daughter calls me, I’m impressed. TIP: As soon as you receive your syllabus and/or assignment list, take the few minutes to enter the information in right then. You won’t regret it. You can then edit/add/ delete on the fly. I rarely pay for apps but this one was a few dollars well spent.
Esta app es increíblemente útil para cualquier estudiante de estudios superiores (universidad, etc). Se pueden ingresar horarios, notas, profesores, tareas, pruebas y exámenes.
I don’t usually write app reviews but iStudiez is so worth it. This app has been my go-to for 7 years now (since middle school). It has served me phenomenally through 4 different schools with varied schedule/grading systems. User-friendly, completely customizable, beautiful and precise... This app is worth every penny and so much more than that. Enjoy it.
O aplicativo é muito bom, funciona perfeitamente e cumpre o prometido e mais. Além disso a equipe é muito boa, respondeu prontamente meus emails com dúvidas a respeito do aplicativo. Parabéns
Sin duda te ayuda muchísimo en la organización y orden, con la app nunca se te pasan las tareas ni examenes.
Es de las aplicaciones que más utilizo y llevo más de 4 años utilizándola. Excelente app.
Und der Support ist klasse!! Reagiert hier direkt und nimmt gerne die Hinweise auf! Toll :))
Back in 2010, this was my "killer app" — the reason I purchased my first iPhone. I see it has become even more polished! Absolutely, totally recommended.
This app is wonderful! The UI is welcoming all while being functional. This app has helped me organize all of my coursework by allowing me to migrate everything from a physical planner and iCalendar to this single app. I love the Assignments tab where I can get a great sense of what is coming and when I will be the busiest.
Are you missing your classes all the time?
iStudiez Pro is a unique planner that lets you input and manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedules.
iStudiez Pro is a unique planner that lets you input and manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedules.
Plus, there is a whole section in this app dedicated to keeping track of your homework and assignments. Grade tracking, calendar integration and Apple Watch support makes this a truly amazing investment.
SourceL’estate sta per giungere al termine, Settembre è arrivato e il nuovo anno scolastico è ormai alle porte. A tal proposito ci viene incontro iStudiez Pro, un’app per iPhone e smartphone Android rivolta principalmente agli studenti e pensata per sostituire i classici diari/agende offrendo una serie di strumenti utili per organizzare e gestire al meglio qualsivoglia aspetto della vita e degli impegni di scolastici o universitari.
Rilasciata per dispositivi Apple circa 7 anni fa, in occasione dell’anniversario di lancio dell’applicazione gli sviluppatori hanno scelto di renderla disponibile anche per smartphone e tablet Android. Ma andiamo a scoprire nel dettaglio cosa ha da offrirci e quali sono le sue funzionalità più interessanti.
L’app si presenta con un’interfaccia semplice e intuitiva, ma al primo avvio ci verrà comunque chiesto se vogliamo seguire un piccolo tutorial per farci un’idea di come funziona e chiarirci ogni dubbio sull’utilizzo, non strettamente necessario poiché il tutto si rivela molto immediato anche senza spiegazioni di sorta.
SourcePour son 7e anniversaire, le planificateur bien connu par les étudiants arrive sur Android. Cette application intelligente et ultra complète offre la possibilité de gérer et de suivre horaires, devoirs et notes, mais aussi d’effectuer la synchronisation de données entre un appareil mobile et un ordinateur (compatible Mac).
Saisie simple et rapide d’horaires classiques et/ou en alternance, calendrier, tâches, détails des cours les plus courants, informations diverses, périodes de vacances, événements exceptionnels, …, votre organisation sera simplifiée au maximum et les icônes spécialement conçues pour iStudiez vous aideront efficacement à vous y retrouver en quelques secondes.
Quelle que soit votre méthode de gestion habituelle, iStudiez vous donnera les moyens de conserver une trace de vos devoirs et d’organiser vos tâches par date, par cours ou en fonction de la priorité que vous leur attribuerez. Et grâce à la vue principale « Aujourd’hui », vous pourrez visualiser vos horaires automatiquement mis à jour en temps réel.
SourceVelho conhecido entre os usuários de iPhone, o iStudiez Pro ganhou nesta semana uma versão para Android. O aplicativo permite organizar sua vida acadêmica, centralizando seu calendário de provas, tarefas pendentes e notas nas matérias — tudo numa interface simples de lidar e com informações sincronizadas na nuvem.
O aplicativo para Android mantém os recursos encontrados nas outras plataformas. Em Calendário, você encontra os horários das matérias (os dias com provas ficam em destaque); em Tarefas, ele lista os trabalhos pendentes por data, matéria ou prioridade; em Professores, é possível guardar as informações de contato dos docentes. E claro que existe uma tela só para mostrar os próximos feriados.
A vantagem de manter tudo no iStudiez Pro em vez do Wunderlist, Evernote ou outros aplicativos “genéricos” é que tudo foi feito sob medida: dá para acompanhar de perto o seu desempenho em cada disciplina, registrando as notas das avaliações ou trabalhos — não importa se sua faculdade usa número, letra ou outra maluquice como escala de notas. Além disso, a interface é bem intuitiva, diferenciando tudo com etiquetas e ícones coloridos.
Sourceكلنا نعلم أن الفترة التعليمية مرحلة صعبة جدا ومليئة بالمهمات اليومية فيحتاج الإنسان عامة وطالب المدرسة خاصة إلى ترتيب جدول نشاطه اليومي فيما يتعلق بمهامه وبرنامج دراسته اليومي والأسبوعي وحتى الشهري، وتطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليوفر لكم ذلك الإدارة.
تطبيق iStudiez Pro ليس مجرد مساعد لترتيب البرامج، بل يسعى لأن يجعلك تشعر بالراحة والاسترخاء حينما تعلم أن كل شيء يخص دراستك تحت السيطرة، على جهازك الأيفون والآيباد، وحتى مع الإشعارات الذكية على ساعتك الذكية.
زيادة عن هذا؛ تطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليضمن لك الاستخدام الاحترافي في قالب جميل، فما فائدة تطبيق يوفر لك خدمة ذكية، وليس بذلك الجمال، لهذا تصميم iStudiez Pro احترافي ورائع، ومشبع بالجمال، مما سيجعل استخدامك له أكثر فائدة وراحة ومتعة.
طبعا كل هذا لم يكن عبثا ولا مجرد صدفة، بل نتيجة عمل وجهد كبيرين، وهو ما أكسب التطبيق ثقة الآلاف من المستخدمين حول العالم، وجعلهم يقيمون التطبيق بخمس نجوم في متجر البرامج، وهو يستحقها، وستتأكد بنفسك بعد تجربتك للتطبيق.
التطبيق الآن وبعد 7 سنوات من التواجد، ها هو الآن متوفر على منصة الأندرويد، حيث يمكن لمستخدمي هذا النظام تنزيل نسختهم من التطبيق على أجهزة الأندرويد، وطبعا فقد كان سابقا متوفر على الأيفون والآيباد، وكذلك الحواسيب سواء العاملة بنظام الوندوز أو الماك.
SourceLassan újabb tanév veszi kezdetét, így elkezdtük összegyűjteni azokat az alkalmazásokat, amelyeknek hasznát vehetik a diákok – gimitől az egyetemig – és segítségükkel hatékonyabban és kényelmesebben végezhetik el az iskolai feladatokat.
Az iStudiez – nagyon leegyszerűsítve – egy digitális leckefüzet. Segítségével egy átlátható, rendkívül ízléses és modern felületen vezethetjük a napi teendőket, az órákat, előadásokat, műhelygyakorlatokat, edzéseket, leadási határidőket, vizsgaidőpontokat. Kinek kinek igénye és tantervi irányultsága szerint. A program elérhető Windows, macOS, iOS és Android rendszerekre egyaránt, s természetesen a különféle platformok között felhőben szinkronizálhatjuk az adatokat, így teljesen mindegy, melyikben írunk fel valamit, mindegyikben látni fogjuk
SourceiStudiez Pro is the ultimate class and homework planner.
If you're the planning type, you won't be able to live without iStudiez Pro.
iStudiez Pro is the ultimate class and homework planner.
If you're the planning type, you won't be able to live without iStudiez Pro.
The app manages your class schedule, teacher contacts, and upcoming assignments/tests. It's a school-specific calendar app and todo list beautifully rolled into one.
SourceYou’ll never miss a deadline with iStudiez Pro. Sync your class schedule and keep all of your assignments in one place. You can also calculate your GPA!
Okay, so maybe iStudiez doesn't do spelling all that well in its title, but the iOS app is a solid class scheduler and homework tracker. The app has clean agenda and monthly views for tracking your classes, and entering in new pieces of homework and projects is simple enough.
Es una aplicación que permite organizar horarios, tareas y resto de datos que se pueda necesitar para mantener controlado todos los aspectos de la vida de estudiante. Una de sus ventajas es que el calendario de iCal y el de la propia aplicación se funden en uno, de esta manera, todo cambio que se haga en la aplicación de iCal en Mac OS X se sincronizará con el dispositivo iOS y por tanto con iStudiez.
iStudiez-lite is for Apple devices. It helps you map out your semester and organize your course, assignment and exam schedule. The free Lite version lets you manage up to five courses, 15 classes/exams per course, 15 assignments, five instructors and two holiday periods. The app keeps track of alarms you set as due date reminders.
You can set interim due date alarms for various segments of your work in progress. If the free version doesn’t offer enough options for your crammed school schedule, you can expand its capabilities with the $2.99 Pro version. It eliminates the limits, adds push notifications, backup and other features.
SourceIf you’re a planner or need something to help you manage your time better, iStudiez is an app that can help. iStudiez Lite has the ability to help you map out and keep track of an entire semester. Log up to five courses with15 classes and exams per course, 15 assignments and two holiday periods.
iStudiez Pro to bezwątpienia idealny (i chyba jak dotąd najlepszy) program dla uczniów klas średnich, a przede wszystkim studentów.
Oczywiście młodsi również mogą korzystać z tego programu, ale wszystkie funkcje zostaną wykorzystane dopiero później, gdy zaczną się zadania przygotowywane nie z tzn. „lekcji na lekcję” bo to bezproblemowo można zapamiętać, ale gdy już są na konkretne terminy. Niby nic nadzwyczajnego, ale przy braku organizacji może się okazać, że termin jest za kilka dni, a nasz projekt jeszcze nie rozpoczęty.
iStudiez Pro to bezwątpienia idealny (i chyba jak dotąd najlepszy) program dla uczniów klas średnich, a przede wszystkim studentów.
Oczywiście młodsi również mogą korzystać z tego programu, ale wszystkie funkcje zostaną wykorzystane dopiero później, gdy zaczną się zadania przygotowywane nie z tzn. „lekcji na lekcję” bo to bezproblemowo można zapamiętać, ale gdy już są na konkretne terminy. Niby nic nadzwyczajnego, ale przy braku organizacji może się okazać, że termin jest za kilka dni, a nasz projekt jeszcze nie rozpoczęty.
Program to swego rodzaju połączenie planu lekcji z dziennikiem ucznia wraz opcją dodawania przypomnień o nadchodzących zadaniach domowych. Wydaje się, że to niby nic nadzwyczajnego, a po kilku dniach użytkowania już wiemy, że to się naprawdę nam przyda i bardzo ułatwia życie.
SourceThis app belongs in the top ten, as it efficiently tracks assignments and due dates for all your classes. You may opt to label and color code some extracurricular activities and put them together with your class schedule. Having all the details of your schedule in one location makes it convenient for you to plan your responsibilities and organise your work schedule.
Même si l’iPad est doté d’un agenda, vous attendez peut-être un peu plus d’une application pour vous épauler au quotidien. Ça tombe bien, car c’est ce qu’est capable de faire iStudiez, qui a déjà une version optimisée pour l’iPad Pro. Gérez vos cours, vos devoirs et planifiez vos journées en toute simplicité avec cette application complète qui a comme seul inconvénient d’être payante. Toutefois, si vous souhaitez la tester, une version lite gratuite existe.
Même si l’iPad est doté d’un agenda, vous attendez peut-être un peu plus d’une application pour vous épauler au quotidien. Ça tombe bien, car c’est ce qu’est capable de faire iStudiez, qui a déjà une version optimisée pour l’iPad Pro. Gérez vos cours, vos devoirs et planifiez vos journées en toute simplicité avec cette application complète qui a comme seul inconvénient d’être payante. Toutefois, si vous souhaitez la tester, une version lite gratuite existe.
SourceiStudiez Pro m'accompagne au quotidien et je ne saurais plus m'en passer. Il permet de gérer les évolutions d'emploi du temps de façon souple. Il assure également le suivi des devoirs avec un système de rappel. Enfin, il peut prendre en compte les notes afin d'établir des moyennes.
L'application iPhone se synchronise en direct ce qui permet d'avoir toujours son emploi du temps en quelques secondes (ce qui est pratique pour connaitre les numéros de salles). app is your electronic life line! You can log in your class schedule, your assignments, along with exams and where your classes are. And the great thing is, iStudiez Pro is available on both the Mac app store and the iPhone app store.
Por ejemplo, iStudiez es una aplicación que permite organizar nuestros horarios, tareas y resto de datos que podamos necesitar para mantener controlados todos los aspectos de nuestra vida de estudiante. Una de sus ventajas es que el calendario de iCal y el de la propia aplicación se funden en uno, de esta forma, todo cambio que hagamos en nuestra aplicación de iCal en Mac OS X se sincronizará con nuestro dispositivo iOS y, por tanto, con iStudiez. Además, permite realizar “copias de seguridad” gracias a la función de backup que incluye la aplicación.
iStudiez es la única aplicación para estudiantes que combina seguimiento de horarios, tareas fuera de clase y notas con una agradable experiencia al usuario. Está disponible en iOS y Mac OS. Soporta Windows 7-10.
Studiez es una aplicación que permite organizar nuestros horarios, tareas y resto de datos que podamos necesitar para mantener controlado todos los aspectos de nuestra vida de estudiante. Una de sus ventajas es que el calendario de iCal y el de la propia aplicación se funden en uno, de esta forma, todo cambio que hagamos en nuestra aplicación de iCal en Mac OS X se sincronizará con nuestro dispositivo iOS y por tanto con iStudiez. Además permite realizar “copias de seguridad” gracias a la función de backup que incluye la aplicación.
This is a popular student planner students can use to schedule their academic life and get their stuff organized. You input your data into the app (e.g things such as class schedule, teachers info…etc and iStudiez Pro takes care of the rest. It will automatically notify you of pending tasks s and important dates, save your grades and keep track of your overall academic progress during the semester.
iStudiez Pro est une appli très puissante qui vous aidera à gérer tous vos activités étudiantes : emploi du temps, numéros de salles, projets, échéances, etc…
iStudiez Pro est disponible sur les plateformes iOS, OSX et sur Windows. Un compte iStudiez peut être synchronisé sur plusieurs machines afin de toujours avoir accès à son emploi du temps et autres informations. iStudiez Pro peut aussi se synchroniser facilement avec Google Calendar.
iStudiez Pro est une appli très puissante qui vous aidera à gérer tous vos activités étudiantes : emploi du temps, numéros de salles, projets, échéances, etc…
iStudiez Pro est disponible sur les plateformes iOS, OSX et sur Windows. Un compte iStudiez peut être synchronisé sur plusieurs machines afin de toujours avoir accès à son emploi du temps et autres informations. iStudiez Pro peut aussi se synchroniser facilement avec Google Calendar.
La version lite de iStudiez est gratuite, et la version Pro coute 2.99€ sur iOS et 9.99€ sur OSX et Windows.
SourceiStudiez Pro is one of the best applications available for high school as well as college students. Its push notifications tell you in advance about the assignments and tasks need to be done. You can also add your own schedules on the basis of semesters and trimester to make sure you won’t miss any lecture or recitation.
iStudiez Pro is one of the best applications available for high school as well as college students. Its push notifications tell you in advance about the assignments and tasks need to be done. You can also add your own schedules on the basis of semesters and trimester to make sure you won’t miss any lecture or recitation. The app is a great way to stay you updated with all your course related information throughout your semester. iStudiez Pro is an ideal choice for those who have heavy course schedules and often face difficulty in allocating time and resources to different assignments.
SourceIt's an assignment planner designed with college students in mind. Not only can you see all your assignments and exams at a glance, but it'll also remind you of upcoming due dates, and it gives you a place to enter your scores so you can keep an eye on your grades. It integrates your calendar with your Apple calendar, Gmail, and whatever else you might have.
iStudiez is an amazing organizing app that keeps track of your assignments, grades, deadlines and many other important activities. Once you save your class schedule into the app, you no longer have to keep checking your college student portal because iStudiez will remind you of all upcoming deadlines and other academic updates.
One of the go-to student planner apps is iStudiez Pro, which combines the daily schedule planner, assignment and task tracking, and grades and GPA tracking into one application. You can even share your calendar or specific events with others who use Google Calendar.
It's not an argument that college is stressful, and that falling behind is just one overlong nap away. iStudiez Pro fixes that. It's a digital planner for today's college student -- going way beyond basic homework tracking. This app includes the ability to track your professors' office hours and contact information (pro-tip: put this in on the first day of classes, it helps when you inevitably lose your syllabus).
It's not an argument that college is stressful, and that falling behind is just one overlong nap away. iStudiez Pro fixes that. It's a digital planner for today's college student -- going way beyond basic homework tracking. This app includes the ability to track your professors' office hours and contact information (pro-tip: put this in on the first day of classes, it helps when you inevitably lose your syllabus). The desktop version adds the ability to upload and collect files relevant to assignments, and even track your group project members' contact info.
SourceiStudiez jest tak naprawdę konglomeratem kilku prostych aplikacji połączonych w jedną, która, łącząc ich najważniejsze cechy, pozwala w łatwy sposób zarządzać planem zajęć, ocenami, zadaniami i egzaminami.
iStudiez jest tak naprawdę konglomeratem kilku prostych aplikacji połączonych w jedną, która, łącząc ich najważniejsze cechy, pozwala w łatwy sposób zarządzać planem zajęć, ocenami, zadaniami i egzaminami.
Program pozwala na ustalenie ustawowych dni wolnych od nauki, wpisanie prowadzących zajęcia oraz wiele innych bogatych opcji uzupełnienia planu zajęć. Przy pierwszym kontakcie pozytywnie zaskoczyła mnie ilość możliwości konfiguracji każdego przedmiotu oraz każdego typu zajęć.
Oprócz prostego nadania nazwy czy dodania sali odbywania się zajęć, można je spersonalizować, dodając odpowiednie piktogramy przy laboratoriach z chemii, a inne przy ćwiczeniach z matematyki.
Różne kolory czynią kalendarz przejrzystym oraz pozwalają się zorientować, czy danego dnia odbywają się jakieś obowiązkowe zajęcia, czy też może ten dzień jest luźniejszy i mamy same wykłady.
Dla osób chcących najpierw przetestować aplikację, zanim wydadzą na nią 2,99 euro na iPhone’ie lub około 10 euro na Windowsie i Maku, istnieje wersja Lite, okrojona z kilku funkcji, jednak pozwalająca się zorientować, czy program przypadnie nam do gustu.
Dla mnie jest to narzędzie obowiązkowe, w które warto było zainwestować, ponieważ ułatwia mi organizację dnia oraz jest dobrym programem zbierającym rzeczy do zrobienia.
SourceMit der App iStudiez kann man verschiedene Aspekte des Studienalltags, wie Termine, Aufgaben und Kontakte, organisieren.
iStudiez ist eine App zur Organisation des Studien- und Lernalltags. Mithilfe von iStudiez lassen sich Kalender, Aufgaben, Kurse, Klausuren, Lehrende und Kommilitonen anlegen und organisieren. Das Programm ist vor allem hilfreich, um Termine und Aufgaben immer im Blick zu haben und wichtige Ansprechpartner im Studium zu verwalten.
SourceThe app iStudiez Pro for the iPhone and iPad lets you enter in your semester start, your classes, and exams that can be set to recurring. You can set your class location, your teacher information, and your assignments. It can also save your grades and track your progress during the whole semester.
“You get to decide where your time goes. You can either spend it moving forward, or you can spend it putting out fires. You decide. And if you don’t decide, others will decide for you.” -Tony Morgan
The key to success is time management. The app iStudiez Pro for the iPhone and iPad lets you enter in your semester start, your classes, and exams that can be set to recurring. You can set your class location, your teacher information, and your assignments.
It can also save your grades and track your progress during the whole semester. You can even get notified on your new Apple Watch. If you are doing group work, you can assign a partner and you can hunt down the person responsible for your failure. It comes with both Cloud syncing and iCal integration.
It has many additional features making this the best app for college students. This app costs $2.99
SourceThe key to success is time management. The app iStudiez Pro for the iPhone and iPad lets you enter in your semester start, your classes, and exams that can be set to recurring. You can set your class location, your teacher information, and your assignments. It can also save your grades and track your progress during the whole semester.
You can even get notified on your new Apple Watch. If you are doing group work, you can assign a partner and you can hunt down the person responsible for your failure. It comes with both Cloud syncing and iCal integration. It has many additional features making this the best app for college students. This app costs $2.99
SourceI love Lily Pulitzer planners as much as the next girl, but I'll be the first to admit that they aren't the most practical way to keep yourself organized. iStudiez Pro eliminates the need for a planner that takes up space in your bag.
iStudiez Pro: An app for students. iStudiez Pro allows users to input their class schedules, upcoming assignments, and grades.
With a companion Apple Watch app, iStudiez Pro even sends you notifications and reminders for upcoming classes and assignments right on your wrist.
iStudiez Pro has been awarded as the best Student’s Planner and has helped numerous students across the globe. It is one of the most effective sources which help students to manage their schedule and keep a track of their grades. This app was initially launched in the iOS format, but now it is also available for Windows which means a wider student population can access iStudiez for their benefit. It is compatible for Windows 7-10.
iStudiez Pro has been awarded as the best Student’s Planner and has helped numerous students across the globe. It is one of the most effective sources which help students to manage their schedule and keep a track of their grades. This app was initially launched in the iOS format, but now it is also available for Windows which means a wider student population can access iStudiez for their benefit. It is compatible for Windows 7-10. What makes iStudiez so popular? The main qualities of iStudiez are:
Overview. When you open this app, the first page offered to you would be the Overview mode. It offers the user a complete picture of his/her classes and homework which is due.
Assignments. You can manage your assignments and homework by organizing them using this interesting tool. The Assignments view help the user mark their important tasks at hand in a simple and systematic manner.
Planner. The Planner is the main mode where the schedule is actually framed. You can organize your courses, class details, grades, locations and holidays.
Cloud Sync. This advance feature of iStudiez helps the user sync all the app data between Mac, iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone and Windows PC. If the two devices contain iStudiez Pro then data can be synced without any difficulty.
Notifications. The main advantage of iStudiez is that the user is offered with smart notifications regarding their classes, exams, and assignments. This app will take care that you never skip any task.
SourceThe worryingly-spelled iStudiez Pro combines a tracking schedule, homework, and grades. It syncs data with both your iOS and Mac OS versions of the app and supports Windows 7-10, too. Quick overviews of your daily schedule and tasks makes getting though your day a breeze, while the Assignments tab manages upcoming events and deadlines. The syncing of data across devices means you'll never miss a notification.
Never miss a class or a hand-in again as you take charge of your schedule with iStudiez. Generate an overview of each day's tasks and receive handy push notifications when the deadlines are fast approaching.
Jak wiadomo, już za nieco ponad dwa tygodnie, rozpocznie się nowy rok szkolny. To oczywiście czas, w którym wielu uczniów jak i samych nauczycieli będzie notorycznie korzystać z wszelkiego rodzaju notatników, kalendarzy czy skoroszytów, aby o niczym nie zapomnieć. Oczywiście można te wszystkie papierowe propozycje zamienić np. na notatnik, który znajduje się na iOS'ie, ale można iść o krok dalej i zacząć używaj świetnej aplikacji jaką niewątpliwie jest iStudiez Pro.
Jak wiadomo, już za nieco ponad dwa tygodnie, rozpocznie się nowy rok szkolny. To oczywiście czas, w którym wielu uczniów jak i samych nauczycieli będzie notorycznie korzystać z wszelkiego rodzaju notatników, kalendarzy czy skoroszytów, aby o niczym nie zapomnieć. Oczywiście można te wszystkie papierowe propozycje zamienić np. na notatnik, który znajduje się na iOS'ie, ale można iść o krok dalej i zacząć używaj świetnej aplikacji jaką niewątpliwie jest iStudiez Pro.
Program daje nam możliwość przeniesienia naszego planu lekcji do wersji cyfrowej, ale na tym nie koniec, ponieważ wtedy tak naprawdę cała "zabawa" dopiero się zaczyna. Wszystko możemy spersonalizować wg. własnych preferencji co oznacza w praktyce, że każdy przedmiot może mieć inny kolor, inną ikonę oraz wszelkie informacji takie jak imię prowadzącego zajęcia, terminy oddawania prac czy po prostu harmonogram zajęć.
Synchronizacja między urządzeniami oczywiście odbywa się poprzez chmurę, a dodatkowo producent zaprezentował wersję tej aplikacji na Apple Watch.
SourceThere are so many features that I love about this app and the one I still love the most is the GPA tracker. I hope that you take the time out to go to the app store or windows store and download the program on any iOS or OSX device or your Windows laptop to have an electronic planner. It has helped me from having so many books in book bag! I highly recommend this app!
I’ve recently reviewed this app; however, it was for a different version of the application. I still stand by my last review that it is one of the best planner apps that I have used to this day!
There are so many features that I love about this app and the one I still love the most is the GPA tracker. When you enter in assignments and/or tasks you can enter grades into them once completed and if it is only a task, I will not enter a grade that makes it not go towards your GPA (which is great for keeping me on top of readings for classes!). When you put in assignments there is an option for priority. I use the priority system (low, normal, and high) as low being a task that doesn’t require a grade, normal being just an assignment, and high being a quiz or project.
Once you enter in a grade for an assignment it adjusts your GPA based on the grading scale you have for classes. If you wish to not track your GPA and only keep an eye on your assignments/tasks you can turn grades off.
SourceIts general interface and features are also more user-friendly and work in greater synergy with each other. That iStudiez Pro also has Apple Watch compatibility only makes this app a step ahead of its competition in giving users mobile convenience. This is why if you have been meaning to give your college life the focus and organization that it has been missing, you’ll get all the tools that you’ll ever need with iStudiez Pro.
The pressure of school work may not be apparent at the start of every academic year, but most students prepare for it with the usual dose of expectation, deliberation (and dread, even), that would serve as their driving force until the school term ends. Indeed, there’s no harm in planning beforehand how you want your studies to go. In fact, it’s one of the proven methods that help students excel and reach their full intellectual capabilities.
Just how good is iStudiez Pro? Imagine lessening the usual load and stress that you normally experience through the course of your college life by as much as 50%. That is how efficient this app is because it practically gives your school life its much-needed order and streamlining.
One of the first impressions that new users would probably get once they launch is the app is how aesthetically pleasing its overall design and interface is. Not only is it slick, but the icons, fonts, and tabs are specifically arranged in a way that students wouldn’t have any difficulty warming up to the app. The design is modern and pragmatic but certainly doesn’t sacrifice beauty.
Its general interface and features are also more user-friendly and work in greater synergy with each other. That iStudiez Pro also has Apple Watch compatibility only makes this app a step ahead of its competition in giving users mobile convenience. This is why if you have been meaning to give your college life the focus and organization that it has been missing, you’ll get all the tools that you’ll ever need with iStudiez Pro.
SourceOrganizacja obowiązków, które czekają na nas w szkole i na uczelni, jest wyjątkowo ważna, jeżeli chcemy osiągnąć sukces w nauce. Niestety tradycyjne metody mogą polec przy natłoku zadań, a programy do GTD nie oferują pełnego spektrum narzędzi, które chcielibyśmy wykorzystać do osiągnięcia wspomnianego wyżej celu. Na szczęście na rynku dostępna jest aplikacja iStudiez Pro – prawdziwy niezbędnik każdego ucznia i studenta.
Organizacja obowiązków, które czekają na nas w szkole i na uczelni, jest wyjątkowo ważna, jeżeli chcemy osiągnąć sukces w nauce. Niestety tradycyjne metody mogą polec przy natłoku zadań, a programy do GTD nie oferują pełnego spektrum narzędzi, które chcielibyśmy wykorzystać do osiągnięcia wspomnianego wyżej celu. Na szczęście na rynku dostępna jest aplikacja iStudiez Pro – prawdziwy niezbędnik każdego ucznia i studenta.
Program jest dostępny na systemy iOS i OS X w wersji darmowej i płatnej. Ta pierwsza umożliwia nam dodanie tylko jednego semestru nauki oraz kilku lekcji i zadań. W większości przypadków nie będzie ona wystarczająca dla użytkowników. Jest to jednak ukłon ze strony deweloperów, którzy umożliwiają nam przetestowanie funkcji aplikacji, co pomoże nam zdecydować, czy jej potrzebujemy.
Jeżeli szukacie aplikacji, która pomoże Wam uporać się z wszystkimi obowiązkami w szkole bądź na uczelni, to iStudiez jest programem dla Was.
Warto na początku sięgnąć po darmową wersję, aby przetestować jego możliwości. Jeżeli macie iPhone’a lub iPada, a korzystacie z systemu Windows, to nie musicie się przejmować wybrakowaniem waszego zestawu aplikacji. Deweloperzy niedawno przygotowali wersję iStudiez na oprogramowanie Microsoftu.
Sourceكلنا نعلم أن الفترة التعليمية مرحلة صعبة جدا ومليئة بالمهمات اليومية فيحتاج الإنسان عامة وطالب المدرسة خاصة إلى ترتيب جدول نشاطه اليومي فيما يتعلق بمهامه وبرنامج دراسته اليومي والأسبوعي وحتى الشهري، وتطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليوفر لكم ذلك الإدارة.
كلنا نعلم أن الفترة التعليمية مرحلة صعبة جدا ومليئة بالمهمات اليومية فيحتاج الإنسان عامة وطالب المدرسة خاصة إلى ترتيب جدول نشاطه اليومي فيما يتعلق بمهامه وبرنامج دراسته اليومي والأسبوعي وحتى الشهري، وتطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليوفر لكم ذلك الإدارة.
تطبيق iStudiez Pro ليس مجرد مساعد لترتيب البرامج، بل يسعى لأن يجعلك تشعر بالراحة والاسترخاء حينما تعلم أن كل شيء يخص دراستك تحت السيطرة، على جهازك الأيفون والآيباد، وحتى مع الإشعارات الذكية على ساعتك الذكية.
زيادة عن هذا؛ تطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليضمن لك الاستخدام الاحترافي في قالب جميل، فما فائدة تطبيق يوفر لك خدمة ذكية، وليس بذلك الجمال، لهذا تصميم iStudiez Pro احترافي ورائع، ومشبع بالجمال، مما سيجعل استخدامك له أكثر فائدة وراحة ومتعة.
طبعا كل هذا لم يكن عبثا ولا مجرد صدفة، بل نتيجة عمل وجهد كبيرين، وهو ما أكسب التطبيق ثقة الآلاف من المستخدمين حول العالم، وجعلهم يقيمون التطبيق بخمس نجوم في متجر البرامج، وهو يستحقها، وستتأكد بنفسك بعد تجربتك للتطبيق.
SourceDe nombreuses fois primée comme l’application numéro 1 pour les étudiants, iStudiez permet de gérer tout ce qu’il y a à gérer dans la vie quotidienne d’un étudiant : son planning, ses horaires, ses devoirs, ses notes, son pense-bête et même les statistiques du nombre d’heure passées en cours de math ou des examens restants ou devoirs non accomplis.
Compatible avec l’Apple Watch.
Pour réussir son année, il faut être bien organisé. C’est là qu’intervient l’application iStudiez Lite. Il s’agit d’un emploi du temps extrêmement complet dans lequel vous allez pouvoir noter vos heures de cours, les salles, les matières ou encore le nom de vos professeurs.
Pour réussir son année, il faut être bien organisé. C’est là qu’intervient l’application iStudiez Lite. Il s’agit d’un emploi du temps extrêmement complet dans lequel vous allez pouvoir noter vos heures de cours, les salles, les matières ou encore le nom de vos professeurs.
Vous pouvez y noter tous les travaux à faire et cocher ceux que vous avez faits au fur et à mesure de votre avancement. iStudiez Lite propose une vue d’ensemble sur une journée pour vous montrer votre planning mais aussi d’une vue hebdomadaire.
Cette version gratuite dispose de quelques limitations comme le non synchronisation des données entre vos différents appareils.
SourceiStudiez es básicamente un horario y una agenda en una misma aplicación. Esto hace tiempo se apuntaba en las libretas o se pegaba en el interior de una puerta del armario. Yo no se que le pasaba al mío, pero nunca estaba en su sitio. Creo que se lo comía mi periquito.
Hace décadas, todo se hacía a mano, en decenas de papeles que eran propensos a desaparecer en el momento menos esperado, pero hoy en día todos tenemos un smartphone y hay cientos de aplicaciones que pueden ayudar a estar menos agobiado. Para ayudaros en estos días, Apple ha hecho una selección de aplicaciones de todo tipo.
iStudiez es básicamente un horario y una agenda en una misma aplicación. Esto hace tiempo se apuntaba en las libretas o se pegaba en el interior de una puerta del armario.
Yo no se que le pasaba al mío, pero nunca estaba en su sitio. Creo que se lo comía mi periquito.
SourceiStudiez Pro is another student organizer. It can help track schedules, homework, and grades with an intuitive calendar design and a seamless user interface. iStudiez Pro also takes advantage of the cloud to sync all that information between your student’s various devices.
Let me guess: Your kids spent the summer glued to their phones/tablets/computer screens, right? And now you’re worried that all that screen time will ruin them for the school year to come.
Stop worrying. Because those same devices could be the secret to your kids’ success in school, enabling them to study nearly anything, from anywhere, at any time — assuming, of course, that they have the right apps.
iStudiez Pro is another student organizer. It can help track schedules, homework, and grades with an intuitive calendar design and a seamless user interface. iStudiez Pro also takes advantage of the cloud to sync all that information between your student’s various devices. (Assuming those devices are running OS X, iOS, or Windows 7 through 10, that is: There’s no Android version.)
$9.99 for Mac and Windows PCs; $2.99 for iOS.
SourceSi la agenda de toda la vida o las aplicaciones como recordatorios o alarmas de tu smartphone no son suficientes para organizarte en tus estudios, es posible que iStudiez Pro sea la aplicación que andabas buscando. En definitiva se trata de una excelente aplicación orientada a este tipo de contenido y que se puede descargar desde la Mac App Store.
Si la agenda de toda la vida o las aplicaciones como recordatorios o alarmas de tu smartphone no son suficientes para organizarte en tus estudios, es posible que iStudiez Pro sea la aplicación que andabas buscando y es que Enfiero Incorporated, la empresa encargada de diseñar este programa ha finalizado una app prácticamente redonda en cuanto a posibilidades de organización en tus estudios.
La característica más atractiva es la posibilidad de sincronizar todos tus cambios en la planificación gracias a la nube, aunque no utilices iCloud hace lo propio con su servicio y que en tan solo unos pasos podrás ser miembro. Además dispone de aplicación para iOS, algo que suma un punto positivo.
También puedes programar las Vacaciones, para saber que días tienes libres además de la lista de profesores, los días de la semana que te toca clase con ellos y las tareas que tienes que presentar en otra lista, tanto las actuales como las ya completadas. Del mismo modo el planificador también te mostrará una vista más general del semestre o trimestre de evaluación con todo lo que tienes previsto hacer como la fecha de exámenes, grupos de estudio, profesores…
En definitiva se trata de una excelente aplicación orientada a este tipo de contenido y que se puede descargar desde la Mac App Store, también existe una versión recortada totalmente gratuita llamada iStudiez Lite.
SourceiStudiez Pro va modifier ton quotidien d’étudiant. Passe UNE FOIS une demi-heure à saisir toutes tes données d’emploi du temps et d’enseignants, et tu recevras des notifications sur la sauvegarde de tes notes et le suivi de ta progression durant toute la session.
À l’approche de la rentrée, il est essentiel d’être organisé afin de maximiser la productivité. Cette semaine, nous vous proposons l’app iStudiez, disponible dans la version d’essaie gratuite et Pro avec l’accès à l’ensemble des fonctions.
iStudiez Pro va modifier ton quotidien d’étudiant. Passe UNE FOIS une demi-heure à saisir toutes tes données d’emploi du temps et d’enseignants, et tu recevras des notifications sur la sauvegarde de tes notes et le suivi de ta progression durant toute la session.
Tu seras surpris(e) et émerveillé(e) de voir à quel point il est facile de recevoir des notifications sur n’importe lequel de tes appareils Apple, vu que iStudiez Pro les synchronise tous entre eux.
Essaye, et tu verras à quelle vitesse tu amélioreras ta moyenne en utilisant iStudiez Pro. L’application t’aidera à gérer tes devoirs à faire, à planifier ta journée et même à te faire gagner du temps libre pour jouer.
Magnifiquement conçue et facile à utiliser, pleine de délicieuses icônes et de fonctionnalités intéressantes, pour t’aider à t’y retrouver dans les emplois du temps les plus compliqués, à conserver les infos sur tes enseignants, tes notes et les vacances.
Source「iStudiez Pro」是专门针对学生推出的课程表App。使用上没有什么门槛,说明提示都很清晰,从学期到学科,从作业到考试,都能方便的Push提醒。包括每一个科任老师的情况,也都能进行设定。
「iStudiez Pro」是专门针对学生推出的课程表App。使用上没有什么门槛,说明提示都很清晰,从学期到学科,从作业到考试,都能方便的Push提醒。包括每一个科任老师的情况,也都能进行设定。
咳,小编也是过来人,有时候咱们也不是不愿意好好念书,都是惰性的错嘛~ 养成了良好的学习习惯,说不定你就是下一个学霸。
SourceGet good school apps. iStudiez Pro allows you to put in your schedule, due dates, and other important events.
As the school year starts to close in on us, I thought I would share some of the things I learned from my first year in college about staying motivated and on top of your work. College is a lot different than high school, one of the biggest differences being that you have to keep yourself on track of your due dates and responsibilities without anyone reminding you of them. It can be a bit challenging at first, which is why I thought I'd compile a post of everything I've learned about staying motivated so far.
Get good school apps. I personally love iStudiez Pro and Study Blue. These are the two apps I use without fail.
iStudiez Pro allows you to put in your schedule, due dates, and other important events.
SourceO que é? Aplicação para ajudar na organização do estudo. Como funciona? É possível inserir o horário escolar, os prazos de entrega de trabalhos, planear trabalhos de casa ou de grupo.
iStudiez Pro replaces the spiral notebook, and then some. It does pretty well everything to manage your studies that you could want it to do. iStudiez Pro seems good value for your money if you want an easy to use app that integrates most of the management of your studies. No, it is not an app that you need – but let’s face it, how many apps do we need? But it is a pretty handy app to have sitting there, particularly because it is about your study, so using it does focus the mind on what needs to be done (and how well you are doing).
In my first incarnation as an undergrad – too many years ago for me to be specific about it now – I managed my entire academic diary, record of due assignments, grades achieved, names of lecturers and so on, through a spiral-bound notebook. That notebook also served to jot down the telephone numbers of fellow students and compose the occasional poem on the meaning of life. It worked well enough then and today, at a push, it would work well enough still.
iStudiez Pro replaces the spiral notebook, and then some. It does pretty well everything to manage your studies that you could want it to do, except edit your essays (because that’s what we at Uni Scribe do). At the start of semester, fill in your subjects, teachers, timetable and then, as the semester progresses, put in your due assignments, record your grades and generally keep track of what needs to be done and what has been done.
As a student again, studying law, I’ve found iStudiez Pro to be a useful, easy to use tool, and while I use Things for work related stuff, iStudiez Pro works well for my studies. My guess is that that iStudiez Pro is looking to move down the enterprise solution pathway.
SourceUna aplicación móvil para organizar tus clases puede sonar complicado, sin embargo el equipo de iStudiez entendió como mezclar una interfaz user-friendly y minimalista con distintas funciones que sabremos utilizar a la perfección. La app es descargable para todos nuestros iDevices, es decir, iPhone y iPad, además cuenta con una versión para ordenadores de escritorio y portátiles que corran el sistema operativo Mac OS o Windows.
Desafortunadamente estamos a pocos días del inicio a clases y como estudiante conozco la importancia de la organización en la parte de nuestra educación para calendarizar actividades, clases y tareas. Una buena manera de hacerlo es comprando una agenda, pero existe una forma bastante completa de organizarse de forma tecnológica y de una manera sustentable.
Una aplicación móvil para organizar tus clases puede sonar complicado, sin embargo el equipo de iStudiez entendió como mezclar una interfaz user-friendly y minimalista con distintas funciones que sabremos utilizar a la perfección. La app es descargable para todos nuestros iDevices, es decir, iPhone y iPad, además cuenta con una versión para ordenadores de escritorio y portátiles que corran el sistema operativo Mac OS o Windows.
Al registrarse en el servicio podremos introducir todas nuestras materias, y éstas se reconocerán fácil de manera gráfica gracias a sus colores y símbolos. Para cada materia se puede asignar el profesor, aula, edificio, horario y modalidad. Además tenemos la opción de anotar una asignación o tarea, la cual se programa de manera automática si selecciona como día de entrega la clase siguiente, y como punto importante la aplicación es capaz de recordarnos a cierta hora del día todas las tareas del día siguiente.
En muchas ocasiones solamente queremos ver que clase nos toca después, en la sección “Today”, podemos observar claramente las siguientes materias y sus características, además de escoger la opción de notificar con algunos minutos de anticipación. Si estas trabajando con un iPhone, en la sección de calendario puedes ver el horario de la semana usando el dispositivo en modo landscape, en forma horizontal, y en un iPad de forma predeterminada.
SourceIntroducing iStudiez Pro to Windows users is definitely a great move. Because Microsoft offers great laptops, tablets and PCs for students, and the availability of this great planner could bring even more benefits. It is very easy to use, and gives you a lot of options, in one word, it gives you all you need to successfully plan your whole semester. So students who want to have a complete control over their college obligations should use this handy app.
College life could be difficult for students with all those classes, exams, assignments, and other important everyday obligations, but people from iStudiez Team want make their life a little bit easier with presenting one of the best student’s assistants on the market, iStudiez Pro. This app is one of the most popular class planners in Apple’s App Store, and now, it finally made its way to Windows users.
Introducing iStudiez Pro to Windows users is definitely a great move. Because Microsoft offers great laptops, tablets and PCs for students, and the availability of this great planner could bring even more benefits. It is very easy to use, and gives you a lot of options, in one word, it gives you all you need to successfully plan your whole semester. So students who want to have a complete control over their college obligations should use this handy app.
Although features are pretty much same, design of Windows version of iStudiez Pro is quite different from iPad version. The iPad version has a book-like layout, which gives you feeling that you’re indeed using workbook for managing your obligations, while Windows version is some kind of mixture of Mac OS and Windows interfaces. This mix makes iStudiez Pro for Windows very elegant.
The app is very well-designed, yet simple and easy to use. So, we have to say that stuff from iStudiez Team did a great job when designing this app.
SourceThis efficiency app for students helps with organizing assignments, planning homework and tracking deadlines. It also lets students keep track of their grade point average. iStudiez Pro sends users back-up data through email in case the primary device is lost or broken.
If you are only now beginning to use iPads in the classroom, dipping your toe into the sea of mobile apps can be overwhelming because there are thousands to choose from. To get started, I recommend trying some apps designed to help you and your students get organized and become more efficient.
iStudiez Pro. This efficiency app for students helps with organizing assignments, planning homework and tracking deadlines. It also lets students keep track of their grade point average. iStudiez Pro sends users back-up data through email in case the primary device is lost or broken.
SourceIf you are an Apple lover and own all the devices, then you also must use iStudiez Pro. This app helps users stay organized and have a plan for each day. In less than one second, the account synchronizes the events on all devices.
In the century of technology, studentship can become an easier period of life. Even if professors assign more and more tasks, students now have the possibility of completing those faster by using the right resources as well powerful online tools and applications.
If you are an Apple lover and own all the devices, then you also must use iStudiez Pro. This app helps users stay organized and have a plan for each day. In less than one second, the account synchronizes the events on all devices.
In conclusion, if you are a smart student, you will use technology for something else than social websites and TV series. Some people have worked hard to develop these tools and apps, so take advantage of their innovations. Become a brilliant student by being productive and efficient.
SourceEasily navigate the overwhelming aspects of student life like tracking your schedule, daily tasks and keep track of upcoming assignments and deadlines.
It’s undeniable that modern students use smartphones in daily life more so than ever before. In part, because they are fairly recent inventions in society, but there’s more to it than that.
Smartphones and other devices have so much to offer students in terms of expanding and assisting with their education. Why not utilize these applications for more than your social life or to combat boredom?
iStudiez Pro is the app to easily navigate the overwhelming aspects of student life like tracking your schedule, daily tasks and keep track of upcoming assignments and deadlines. You can also track your grades and calculate your projected GPA for current and past semesters using a variety of grading scales.
In addition, you can back up any data you enter by sending it directly to your email or by syncing to your other iOS devices. This app is available on iOS devices.
SourceDrtivá většina z nás používá nějakou tu aplikaci pro organizování času a každodenních úkolů. Takové se nachází i v iPhonu, jedná se o kalendář a připomínky. V App Store je jich navíc nespočet, mezi nejpopulárnější patří Evernote, Wunderlist či OmniFocus. I já jsem se tedy pustil do hledání, chtěl jsem něco, co by sloužilo výhradně pro školní záznamy, kde bych si mohl zadávat připomínky ohledně domácích úkolů, testů a jiných různých informací. Jednu takovou jsem našel – iStudiez Pro.
Tato aplikace splňuje vše, a to parádně. iStudiez je dostupný pro iPhone, iPad, Mac i Windows, a tak mám všechny informace po ruce, nezáleží na kterém zařízení zrovna pracuju. Po zapnutí aplikace si přidáte data o vašich hodinách, prázdninách (ty se zadávají nejlépe a s radostí) a profesorech. Každý předmět má svou dedikovanou sekci, barvu a ikonku pro lepší přehled a organizaci. Poté, co vše nastavíte, společně s kartou pro profesory, kam zadáte například jejich email, můžete začít přidávat úkoly a aktivity.
SourceIt a great app for student to help them tracking their grade/GPA, organize their schedules and follow up home works.
Nowadays, with lots of devices which has a smart capabilities like a smartphone, tablet and internet of thing, the fulfillment of the needs that cannot be met in the past can be fulfilled by fast through that device. Adoption toward smart device like iPad in education has become a good trend for education institution, teachers or students. As a student we can use a smart device like iPad for learning effectivity.
iStudiez Pro is a great app for student to help them tracking their grade/GPA, organize their schedules and follow up home works. It has Today view which will summarize all the schedules you have added. support of weighted/non-weighted assignments, and GPA calculator is available both for current and past semesters. Support of most world used grading scales (letter grades, percents, points).
iStudiez Pro is provided by data guard, so if there something wrong with the iPad, they will not lose their data. iStudiez Pro takes care of you and offers the option to back up your data by sending it to your e-mail address with tapping just one button.