App Reviews Around The Web

Recensione iStudiez Pro, l’app per gli studenti universitari

February 4, 2019

In questo articolo vorrei parlarti di iStudiez Pro, un’app famosa e utilizzata da migliaia di studenti per la gestione del proprio studio, del calendario e del controllo delle lezioni e via dicendo.

iStudiez Pro Mac iPhone iPad – Meilleur Agenda pour Etudiants (gratuit)

Zack, December 2018

A quelques jours des vacances d’hiver, je vous propose d’installer iStudiez Pro sur votre Mac ainsi que sur vos iPhone et autre iPad, un excellent agenda pour étudiants pendant qu’il est encore offert. Temporairement gratuit pour macOS, iStudiez Pro est un logiciel indispensable à tout étudiant à la recherche d’un outil lui permettant d’organiser ses heures de cours, suivre ses notes, planifier son travail, etc.

4 Smart Productivity Apps for College Students

Educational App Store, December 5, 2018

Imagine having your schedule, planner, courses, assignments and grades – all in one place. Yes, you will no longer have to juggle different kinds of information and get lost in the clutter. All you have to do is download iStudiez Pro to be on top of your game at college.

Back To School: 8 Apps That Every Student Should Have

Readdle Inc., September 5, 2018

Are you missing your classes all the time? iStudiez Pro is a unique planner that lets you input and manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedules.


CHRISTIAN ZEISER, September 6, 2018

iStudiez Pro: Den Alltag im Griff. Stunden- und Vorlesungspläne, anstehende Klausuren, Hausarbeiten und mehr hält iStudiez Pro in einer übersichtlichen Oberfläche und erinnert zuverlässig an sämtliche zu erledigenden Aufgaben.

Zpátky do školy: Jaké aplikace jsou pro studenty nejlepší?

Amaya Tomanová, September 2, 2018

Je tu nový školní rok a spolu s ním přichází kromě hromady povinností také příležitost obohatit svůj iPhone či iPad o několik nových aplikací, které vám navíc studentský život značně usnadní. Které to jsou?

iStudiez Pro Testbericht

Von Andy, August 25, 2018

Mit der App, iStudiez Pro hat man all seine bevorstehenden Prüfungstermine und Aufgaben auf einem Blick, in einer App und dank der Cloud Synchronisation auf jedem Gerät. Die App verfügt über einen sehr innovativen Stundenplan, in dem man nicht nur die Kurse eintragen kann sondern auch Noten, den Namen des Professors und den Ort wo der Kurs stattfindet.

Back To School Apps For Students

Educatorstechnology, August 20, 2018

‘Unique built-in planner lets you input and easy manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedule.

iStudiez Pro gestisce lezioni, voti e l’intera vita scolastica su iOS, Mac e Android

Redazione, August 19, 2018

iStudiez Pro è una delle utility più famose ed apprezzate per la gestione degli impegni scolastici su Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch e dispositivi Android. Il programma offre una serie completa di strumenti che permettono di gestire ogni aspetto della vita e degli impegni di scuola, con funzioni indicate per i genitori che desiderano tenere sotto controllo gli impegni scolastici dei propri figli (dalle scuole elementari, passando per strumenti indicati per gli studenti delle superiori fino all’università).


Alyssa Koh, May 2018

Now, while studying can mean hours spent in the library, it doesn’t have to be so boring! As digital technology continues to improve, there are more and more apps to help make studying both easier and more fun.

Organisation sans faille avec iStudiez Pro

iBibliotech, 27 mars 2018

Quoi de plus stressant, au moment de partir en cours, que ne plus savoir dans quelle salle se déroule le 1er cours ? Grâce à iStudiez Pro, vous programmez tout votre trimestre. Matière, professeur, salle de cours, rien ne manque pour vous éviter d’oublier votre programme.


The [Pre]Lawyer in Black, March 9, 2018

This is a simple but great tool that allows you to see your daily or weekly appointments and tasks so that you never miss a thing.

Study Habits and Study Apps: Which Ones Are Most Helpful?

Matthew Loux, March 7, 2018

IStudiez keeps track of when forum posts or assignments are due. This app will help you reduce procrastination and prevent you from forgetting to do your classwork.

iStudiez Pro: A Must Have App for Students

Anup Kayastha, October 11, 2017

iStudiez Pro is an Android app where it’ll increase the student’s productivity level due to its unique way of organizing schedule. It is for students from all around the world who are having problems or issues in organizing their assignments, schedule of classes, etc.

iStudiez Pro: A Must Have App for Students

Anup Kayastha, October 11, 2017

One of the common problems of students is their schedule. Sometimes, they have no clue on the activities that they’re doing for the whole semester or the entire school year. It is essential for a student to become productive in school.

iStudiez Pro, el mejor amigo para éste nuevo curso

September 21, 2017

Los deberes, las actividades extraescolares, los exámenes, las conferencias… son sólo algunas de las tareas que se acumulan a lo largo del curso y cuya organización trae de cabeza a los estudiantes. Así que tengas la edad que tengas y curses el año que sea descarga iStudiez Pro, te ayudará a llevarlo todo al día.

iStudiez Pro – Der digitale Uni-Planer

Letizia Credico, September 18, 2017

Für diejenigen, die öfters Block und Stift zu Hause vergessen, wichtige Termine übersehen oder morgens um 9 Uhr eine Vorlesung verschlafen, gibt es nun die Smartphone Applikation „iStudiez Pro“.

Lernen mit Apps: Helfer für den Schulalltag

Rainer Wolff, August 31, 2017

iStudiez Pro ist eine plattformübergreifende Anwendung für Mac OS, iOS, Windows und Android, mit der Studenten Fortschritte, Hausarbeiten und Noten festhalten können. Die App liefert hierbei täglich eine aktuelle Übersicht über den Stundenplan, die Kurse oder anstehende Veranstaltungen.

What our users say on the App Store

Back To School: 8 Apps That Every Student Should Have

Maxym Varnalii, September 5, 2016

Are you missing your classes all the time?

iStudiez Pro is a unique planner that lets you input and manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedules.

iStudiez Pro: la migliore app per gestire la vita scolastica da smartphone Android

Enrico Sanzo, September 4, 2016

L’estate sta per giungere al termine, Settembre è arrivato e il nuovo anno scolastico è ormai alle porte. A tal proposito ci viene incontro iStudiez Pro, un’app per iPhone e smartphone Android rivolta principalmente agli studenti e pensata per sostituire i classici diari/agende offrendo una serie di strumenti utili per organizzare e gestire al meglio qualsivoglia aspetto della vita e degli impegni di scolastici o universitari.

iStudiez – Organiseur pour les étudiants

Laurent Droid, September 1, 2016

Pour son 7e anniversaire, le planificateur bien connu par les étudiants arrive sur Android. Cette application intelligente et ultra complète offre la possibilité de gérer et de suivre horaires, devoirs et notes, mais aussi d’effectuer la synchronisation de données entre un appareil mobile et un ordinateur (compatible Mac).

iStudiez Pro organiza os trabalhos, provas e notas da faculdade

Carlos Junior, August 25, 2016

Velho conhecido entre os usuários de iPhone, o iStudiez Pro ganhou nesta semana uma versão para Android. O aplicativo permite organizar sua vida acadêmica, centralizando seu calendário de provas, tarefas pendentes e notas nas matérias — tudo numa interface simples de lidar e com informações sincronizadas na nuvem.

تطبأفضل تطبيق في مجاله – iStudiez Pro لإدارة جدول الدراسة للطلاب بكل احترافية وسهولة

سلطان يوسف, August 21, 2016

كلنا نعلم أن الفترة التعليمية مرحلة صعبة جدا ومليئة بالمهمات اليومية فيحتاج الإنسان عامة وطالب المدرسة خاصة إلى ترتيب جدول نشاطه اليومي فيما يتعلق بمهامه وبرنامج دراسته اليومي والأسبوعي وحتى الشهري، وتطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليوفر لكم ذلك الإدارة.


Gorgo, August 17, 2016

Lassan újabb tanév veszi kezdetét, így elkezdtük összegyűjteni azokat az alkalmazásokat, amelyeknek hasznát vehetik a diákok – gimitől az egyetemig – és segítségükkel hatékonyabban és kényelmesebben végezhetik el az iskolai feladatokat.

12 apps that every student should have

Alex Heath, August 15, 2016

iStudiez Pro is the ultimate class and homework planner.

If you're the planning type, you won't be able to live without iStudiez Pro.

5 Apps Every College Student Needs

Chaley Munn, June 22, 2016

You’ll never miss a deadline with iStudiez Pro. Sync your class schedule and keep all of your assignments in one place. You can also calculate your GPA!


Best Homework Helper Apps

John Corpuz, June 1, 2016

Okay, so maybe iStudiez doesn't do spelling all that well in its title, but the iOS app is a solid class scheduler and homework tracker. The app has clean agenda and monthly views for tracking your classes, and entering in new pieces of homework and projects is simple enough.

7 apps gratuitas que te ayudan a navegar y estudiar

May 18, 2016

Es una aplicación que permite organizar horarios, tareas y resto de datos que se pueda necesitar para mantener controlado todos los aspectos de la vida de estudiante. Una de sus ventajas es que el calendario de iCal y el de la propia aplicación se funden en uno, de esta manera, todo cambio que se haga en la aplicación de iCal en Mac OS X se sincronizará con el dispositivo iOS y por tanto con iStudiez.


Specialized Apps for Studying

AUTHOR, May 11, 2016

iStudiez-lite is for Apple devices. It helps you map out your semester and organize your course, assignment and exam schedule. The free Lite version lets you manage up to five courses, 15 classes/exams per course, 15 assignments, five instructors and two holiday periods. The app keeps track of alarms you set as due date reminders.

Apps that will help you study smarter

hstewart, April 19, 2016

If you’re a planner or need something to help you manage your time better, iStudiez is an app that can help. iStudiez Lite has the ability to help you map out and keep track of an entire semester. Log up to five courses with15 classes and exams per course, 15 assignments and two holiday periods.

iStudiez PRO – Planuj swoje zadania, zarządzaj swoim czasem i sprawdzaj, co Cię czeka na zajęciach oraz jak Ci idzie nauka.

Kamil Lesiak, April 17, 2016

iStudiez Pro to bezwątpienia idealny (i chyba jak dotąd najlepszy) program dla uczniów klas średnich, a przede wszystkim studentów.

Oczywiście młodsi również mogą korzystać z tego programu, ale wszystkie funkcje zostaną wykorzystane dopiero później, gdy zaczną się zadania przygotowywane nie z tzn. „lekcji na lekcję” bo to bezproblemowo można zapamiętać, ale gdy już są na konkretne terminy. Niby nic nadzwyczajnego, ale przy braku organizacji może się okazać, że termin jest za kilka dni, a nasz projekt jeszcze nie rozpoczęty.

Top Ten Studying Apps for High School Students

ICS Learn, April 12, 2016

This app belongs in the top ten, as it efficiently tracks assignments and due dates for all your classes. You may opt to label and color code some extracurricular activities and put them together with your class schedule. Having all the details of your schedule in one location makes it convenient for you to plan your responsibilities and organise your work schedule.

Etudiant, voici 10 applications iPad indispensables pour vos cours

Eddy Maniette, March 30, 2016

Même si l’iPad est doté d’un agenda, vous attendez peut-être un peu plus d’une application pour vous épauler au quotidien. Ça tombe bien, car c’est ce qu’est capable de faire iStudiez, qui a déjà une version optimisée pour l’iPad Pro. Gérez vos cours, vos devoirs et planifiez vos journées en toute simplicité avec cette application complète qui a comme seul inconvénient d’être payante. Toutefois, si vous souhaitez la tester, une version lite gratuite existe.

Les applications préférées des étudiants

Stéphane Moussie, March 28, 2016

iStudiez Pro m'accompagne au quotidien et je ne saurais plus m'en passer. Il permet de gérer les évolutions d'emploi du temps de façon souple. Il assure également le suivi des devoirs avec un système de rappel. Enfin, il peut prendre en compte les notes afin d'établir des moyennes.

Midterms Madness: 5 essential apps/websites to survive exam week

Alia ElSaady, March 23, 2016

This app is your electronic life line! You can log in your class schedule, your assignments, along with exams and where your classes are. And the great thing is, iStudiez Pro is available on both the Mac app store and the iPhone app store.

Apps móviles útiles para estudiar

March 21, 2016

Por ejemplo, iStudiez es una aplicación que permite organizar nuestros horarios, tareas y resto de datos que podamos necesitar para mantener controlados todos los aspectos de nuestra vida de estudiante. Una de sus ventajas es que el calendario de iCal y el de la propia aplicación se funden en uno, de esta forma, todo cambio que hagamos en nuestra aplicación de iCal en Mac OS X se sincronizará con nuestro dispositivo iOS y, por tanto, con iStudiez. Además, permite realizar “copias de seguridad” gracias a la función de backup que incluye la aplicación.


9 Aplicaciones super útiles para tu vida universitaria

DTA UTP, March 14, 2016

iStudiez es la única aplicación para estudiantes que combina seguimiento de horarios, tareas fuera de clase y notas con una agradable experiencia al usuario. Está disponible en iOS y Mac OS. Soporta Windows 7-10.


¡De vuelta a clases!, Las 10 mejores APPS para estudiar diseño, ingeniería o medicina

Jackeline Sanchez, March 14, 2016

Studiez es una aplicación que permite organizar nuestros horarios, tareas y resto de datos que podamos necesitar para mantener controlado todos los aspectos de nuestra vida de estudiante. Una de sus ventajas es que el calendario de iCal y el de la propia aplicación se funden en uno, de esta forma, todo cambio que hagamos en nuestra aplicación de iCal en Mac OS X se sincronizará con nuestro dispositivo iOS y por tanto con iStudiez. Además permite realizar “copias de seguridad” gracias a la función de backup que incluye la aplicación.


6 great school saving apps for students

EdTech Team, March, 2016

This is a popular student planner students can use to schedule their academic life and get their stuff organized. You input your data into the app (e.g things such as class schedule, teachers info…etc and iStudiez Pro takes care of the rest. It will automatically notify you of pending tasks s and important dates, save your grades and keep track of your overall academic progress during the semester.


8 applications pour les étudiants

Nicolas Messmer, March 4, 2016

iStudiez Pro est une appli très puissante qui vous aidera à gérer tous vos activités étudiantes : emploi du temps, numéros de salles, projets, échéances, etc…

iStudiez Pro est disponible sur les plateformes iOS, OSX et sur Windows. Un compte iStudiez peut être synchronisé sur plusieurs machines afin de toujours avoir accès à son emploi du temps et autres informations. iStudiez Pro peut aussi se synchroniser facilement avec Google Calendar.

Must Have iPhone Apps That Every College Student Should Download

Rick Brown, March 7, 2016

iStudiez Pro is one of the best applications available for high school as well as college students. Its push notifications tell you in advance about the assignments and tasks need to be done. You can also add your own schedules on the basis of semesters and trimester to make sure you won’t miss any lecture or recitation.

11 Apps To Help You Succeed At Life

Anne Kopas, March 1, 2016

It's an assignment planner designed with college students in mind. Not only can you see all your assignments and exams at a glance, but it'll also remind you of upcoming due dates, and it gives you a place to enter your scores so you can keep an eye on your grades. It integrates your calendar with your Apple calendar, Gmail, and whatever else you might have.

Ten Must-Have Mobile Apps for College Students

February 24, 2016

iStudiez is an amazing organizing app that keeps track of your assignments, grades, deadlines and many other important activities. Once you save your class schedule into the app, you no longer have to keep checking your college student portal because iStudiez will remind you of all upcoming deadlines and other academic updates.

7 Smartphone/Tablet Apps for Busy College Students

Michaele Charles, February 01, 2016

One of the go-to student planner apps is iStudiez Pro, which combines the daily schedule planner, assignment and task tracking, and grades and GPA tracking into one application. You can even share your calendar or specific events with others who use Google Calendar.

Apps To Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet

John Thomas Morrison, January 24, 2016

It's not an argument that college is stressful, and that falling behind is just one overlong nap away. iStudiez Pro fixes that. It's a digital planner for today's college student -- going way beyond basic homework tracking. This app includes the ability to track your professors' office hours and contact information (pro-tip: put this in on the first day of classes, it helps when you inevitably lose your syllabus).

iStudiez Pro – niezbędny dla studenta – recenzja

Patryk Bijak, January 18, 2016

iStudiez jest tak naprawdę konglomeratem kilku prostych aplikacji połączonych w jedną, która, łącząc ich najważniejsze cechy, pozwala w łatwy sposób zarządzać planem zajęć, ocenami, zadaniami i egzaminami.


Jan 12, 2016

Mit der App iStudiez kann man verschiedene Aspekte des Studienalltags, wie Termine, Aufgaben und Kontakte, organisieren.

Top 10 iOS Apps that will Help You Succeed in College in 2016

Krum J, January 11, 2016

The app iStudiez Pro for the iPhone and iPad lets you enter in your semester start, your classes, and exams that can be set to recurring. You can set your class location, your teacher information, and your assignments. It can also save your grades and track your progress during the whole semester.

Top 10 iOS Apps that will Help You Succeed in College

January 11, 2016

The key to success is time management. The app iStudiez Pro for the iPhone and iPad lets you enter in your semester start, your classes, and exams that can be set to recurring. You can set your class location, your teacher information, and your assignments. It can also save your grades and track your progress during the whole semester.

5 Apps To Make Next Semester Better

Kathryn Clancy, January 11, 2016

I love Lily Pulitzer planners as much as the next girl, but I'll be the first to admit that they aren't the most practical way to keep yourself organized. iStudiez Pro eliminates the need for a planner that takes up space in your bag.

Useful Apps For The New Year

Anthony Ibarra, January 9, 2016

iStudiez Pro: An app for students. iStudiez Pro allows users to input their class schedules, upcoming assignments, and grades.

With a companion Apple Watch app, iStudiez Pro even sends you notifications and reminders for upcoming classes and assignments right on your wrist.


iStudiez Pro App for Windows Review

Rick, December 15, 2015

iStudiez Pro has been awarded as the best Student’s Planner and has helped numerous students across the globe. It is one of the most effective sources which help students to manage their schedule and keep a track of their grades. This app was initially launched in the iOS format, but now it is also available for Windows which means a wider student population can access iStudiez for their benefit. It is compatible for Windows 7-10.

8 Agenda Apps to Help Students Stay Organized

October 27, 2015

The worryingly-spelled iStudiez Pro combines a tracking schedule, homework, and grades. It syncs data with both your iOS and Mac OS versions of the app and supports Windows 7-10, too. Quick overviews of your daily schedule and tasks makes getting though your day a breeze, while the Assignments tab manages upcoming events and deadlines. The syncing of data across devices means you'll never miss a notification.


App сorner

Surit Doss, September 17, 2015

Never miss a class or a hand-in again as you take charge of your schedule with iStudiez. Generate an overview of each day's tasks and receive handy push notifications when the deadlines are fast approaching.


Czas do szkoły! Czas na iStudiez Pro!

Mateusz Krawczyk, September 17, 2015

Jak wiadomo, już za nieco ponad dwa tygodnie, rozpocznie się nowy rok szkolny. To oczywiście czas, w którym wielu uczniów jak i samych nauczycieli będzie notorycznie korzystać z wszelkiego rodzaju notatników, kalendarzy czy skoroszytów, aby o niczym nie zapomnieć. Oczywiście można te wszystkie papierowe propozycje zamienić np. na notatnik, który znajduje się na iOS'ie, ale można iść o krok dalej i zacząć używaj świetnej aplikacji jaką niewątpliwie jest iStudiez Pro.

iStudiez Pro – version 1.3

Jitterbug, September 13, 2015

There are so many features that I love about this app and the one I still love the most is the GPA tracker. I hope that you take the time out to go to the app store or windows store and download the program on any iOS or OSX device or your Windows laptop to have an electronic planner. It has helped me from having so many books in book bag! I highly recommend this app!

iStudiez Pro: The ultimate student planner app for the astute scholar

Alfred Smith, September 11, 2015

Its general interface and features are also more user-friendly and work in greater synergy with each other. That iStudiez Pro also has Apple Watch compatibility only makes this app a step ahead of its competition in giving users mobile convenience. This is why if you have been meaning to give your college life the focus and organization that it has been missing, you’ll get all the tools that you’ll ever need with iStudiez Pro.

iStudiez Pro – rewolucja w organizowaniu szkolnego harmonogramu

Jacek Zięba, September 8, 2015

Organizacja obowiązków, które czekają na nas w szkole i na uczelni, jest wyjątkowo ważna, jeżeli chcemy osiągnąć sukces w nauce. Niestety tradycyjne metody mogą polec przy natłoku zadań, a programy do GTD nie oferują pełnego spektrum narzędzi, które chcielibyśmy wykorzystać do osiągnięcia wspomnianego wyżej celu. Na szczęście na rynku dostępna jest aplikacja iStudiez Pro – prawdziwy niezbędnik każdego ucznia i studenta.

تطبيق iStudiez Pro لتنظيم جدول الدراسة للطلاب من أفضل التطبيقات على المتجر مع دعم ساعة آبل

الحمد مكاري, September 6, 2015

كلنا نعلم أن الفترة التعليمية مرحلة صعبة جدا ومليئة بالمهمات اليومية فيحتاج الإنسان عامة وطالب المدرسة خاصة إلى ترتيب جدول نشاطه اليومي فيما يتعلق بمهامه وبرنامج دراسته اليومي والأسبوعي وحتى الشهري، وتطبيق iStudiez Pro جاء ليوفر لكم ذلك الإدارة.

La rentrée 2.0

Wiam Firouzabadi, September 3, 2015

De nombreuses fois primée comme l’application numéro 1 pour les étudiants, iStudiez permet de gérer tout ce qu’il y a à gérer dans la vie quotidienne d’un étudiant : son planning, ses horaires, ses devoirs, ses notes, son pense-bête et même les statistiques du nombre d’heure passées en cours de math ou des examens restants ou devoirs non accomplis.

Compatible avec l’Apple Watch.


Applications pour la vie étudiante

Micael Ribeiro, September 3, 2015

Pour réussir son année, il faut être bien organisé. C’est là qu’intervient l’application iStudiez Lite. Il s’agit d’un emploi du temps extrêmement complet dans lequel vous allez pouvoir noter vos heures de cours, les salles, les matières ou encore le nom de vos professeurs.

Vuelta al cole: las mejores apps para arrancar el curso

Pablo Aparicio, September 2, 2015

iStudiez es básicamente un horario y una agenda en una misma aplicación. Esto hace tiempo se apuntaba en las libretas o se pegaba en el interior de una puerta del armario. Yo no se que le pasaba al mío, pero nunca estaba en su sitio. Creo que se lo comía mi periquito.

5 Apps that’ll actually help your kids do better in school

Ryan B. Brown, September 1, 2015

iStudiez Pro is another student organizer. It can help track schedules, homework, and grades with an intuitive calendar design and a seamless user interface. iStudiez Pro also takes advantage of the cloud to sync all that information between your student’s various devices.

iStudiez Pro: la aplicación para el estudiante

Gerardo Fuentes, August 23, 2015

Si la agenda de toda la vida o las aplicaciones como recordatorios o alarmas de tu smartphone no son suficientes para organizarte en tus estudios, es posible que iStudiez Pro sea la aplicación que andabas buscando. En definitiva se trata de una excelente aplicación orientada a este tipo de contenido y que se puede descargar desde la Mac App Store.

App de la semaine : iStudiez

Jeremy Rochefort, August 21, 2015

iStudiez Pro va modifier ton quotidien d’étudiant. Passe UNE FOIS une demi-heure à saisir toutes tes données d’emploi du temps et d’enseignants, et tu recevras des notifications sur la sauvegarde de tes notes et le suivi de ta progression durant toute la session.

[应用合辑] 对症下药,适合自己的才是最好的

August 21, 2015

「iStudiez Pro」是专门针对学生推出的课程表App。使用上没有什么门槛,说明提示都很清晰,从学期到学科,从作业到考试,都能方便的Push提醒。包括每一个科任老师的情况,也都能进行设定。

7 ways to stay motivated in college

Shiloh, August 20, 2015

Get good school apps. iStudiez Pro allows you to put in your schedule, due dates, and other important events.

15 aplicações para treinar talentos desde pequenino

July 31, 2015

O que é? Aplicação para ajudar na organização do estudo. Como funciona? É possível inserir o horário escolar, os prazos de entrega de trabalhos, planear trabalhos de casa ou de grupo.


iStudiez – A swiss army knife for students

Michael, July 28, 2015

iStudiez Pro replaces the spiral notebook, and then some. It does pretty well everything to manage your studies that you could want it to do. iStudiez Pro seems good value for your money if you want an easy to use app that integrates most of the management of your studies. No, it is not an app that you need – but let’s face it, how many apps do we need? But it is a pretty handy app to have sitting there, particularly because it is about your study, so using it does focus the mind on what needs to be done (and how well you are doing).

Organiza tu semestre con iStudiez

Héctor Torres, July 28, 2015

Una aplicación móvil para organizar tus clases puede sonar complicado, sin embargo el equipo de iStudiez entendió como mezclar una interfaz user-friendly y minimalista con distintas funciones que sabremos utilizar a la perfección. La app es descargable para todos nuestros iDevices, es decir, iPhone y iPad, además cuenta con una versión para ordenadores de escritorio y portátiles que corran el sistema operativo Mac OS o Windows.

iStudiez Pro review – One of the best Windows apps students can use

Ivan Jenic, July 23, 2015

Introducing iStudiez Pro to Windows users is definitely a great move. Because Microsoft offers great laptops, tablets and PCs for students, and the availability of this great planner could bring even more benefits. It is very easy to use, and gives you a lot of options, in one word, it gives you all you need to successfully plan your whole semester. So students who want to have a complete control over their college obligations should use this handy app.

8 apps to get organized in the classroom

Sadie Douse, July 16, 2015

This efficiency app for students helps with organizing assignments, planning homework and tracking deadlines. It also lets students keep track of their grade point average. iStudiez Pro sends users back-up data through email in case the primary device is lost or broken.

9 essential online resources for establishing a more efficient e-learning process, iStudiez Pro

Jessica Millis, July 2, 2015

If you are an Apple lover and own all the devices, then you also must use iStudiez Pro. This app helps users stay organized and have a plan for each day. In less than one second, the account synchronizes the events on all devices.

Amazing student apps

Elizabeth Hoyt, June 10, 2015

Easily navigate the overwhelming aspects of student life like tracking your schedule, daily tasks and keep track of upcoming assignments and deadlines.

iStudiez Pro: parádní pomocník do školy

Šimon Machálek, January 19, 2015

Drtivá většina z nás používá nějakou tu aplikaci pro organizování času a každodenních úkolů. Takové se nachází i v iPhonu, jedná se o kalendář a připomínky. V App Store je jich navíc nespočet, mezi nejpopulárnější patří Evernote, Wunderlist či OmniFocus. I já jsem se tedy pustil do hledání, chtěl jsem něco, co by sloužilo výhradně pro školní záznamy, kde bych si mohl zadávat připomínky ohledně domácích úkolů, testů a jiných různých informací. Jednu takovou jsem našel – iStudiez Pro.

Best essential iPad apps for high school student 2015

Elizabeth Kartini

It a great app for student to help them tracking their grade/GPA, organize their schedules and follow up home works.