Version 1.3.1 is released to the App Store

Critical bug is successfully fixed which is not only tested on our devices, but also confirmed by letters from you. Again, we appreciate your support and patience.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of you may see a message stating that your database is upgrading each time you launch iStudiez Pro. In this case please make data backup and then restore your data after you updated to version 1.3.1. We are now submitting the update where we’ve fixed this minor issue.


Version 1.3.1 submitted

Yesterday we successfully submitted version 1.3.1 with critical fix of disappearing schedule and various crashes.

Now it is in review and hopefully it will not take too long for Apple to approve it.


Grades/GPA feature coming – Version 1.3 submitted

Yes, it is grades and GPA and we are glad we can finally officially announce that this option will be available in iStudiez Pro once version 1.3. is approved by Apple.

Foreseeing your questions we would like to highlight the following:

  • Grades option is based on assignments (support of weighted/non-weighted assignments)
  • GPA calculator is available for current and past semesters
  • Grades option supports grade scales most used worldwide (letter grades, percents, points)

Grades option has even more of tasty things for you to try, just wait for it to come 😉

We have also improved iPad version stability as well as fixed bug causing crash on calendar and  made corrections in localizations (Korean in particular).

During the weekend we’ll complete the user guide with detailed explanation of how grades option works and how it can be adjusted to the education system in your school, college or university.

P.S. We have also update iStudiez Lite with grades option, so those of you who waited for grades option to purchase the app, can try It with lite version first.


Reviews of iStudiez Pro around the web world

Recently we’ve mentioned that world famous web resources dedicated to reviewing iPhone and iPad apps did some reviews of iStudiez Pro. As soon as we are lucky to be reviewed in many languages, we’ve decided to share the links here (with due respect and special thanks to the authors, of course).

We hope that checking out these links will help those of you who have not yet (for god-knows-what reason) got iStudiez Pro to manage their academics.

First and foremost, Landing Pad has just posted iStudiez Pro screenshot. Thanks guys, we appreciate that very much!

On 26th of April Smoking Apples published a very comprehensive review in English language by Nick Wood. Thanks Nick, you rock! Same day Giacomo Canal contributed a review in Italian to and Siquitraki wrote an article in Spanish on the

Small review in German was published by Von Nicolas on on the 14th of April, nice comments though.

iStudiez Pro was also mentioned as app of the 1st week of April on (Spanish) and on (French). Interesting remark about iStudiez Pro and iPad Calendar was made on (French).

And finally, on the 20th of March we catched a nice review in Japanese published on

Thank you all guys, we value your attention and will take into account all your comments to make iStudiez Pro better and even more attractive 😉


Critical update 1.2.2. just submitted

First of all we would like to apologize for version 1.2.1 occasional crashes when loading backup and the bug when random classes disappear in both iPhone/iPod and iPad versions of iStudiez Pro.

We’ve successfully fixed this and just submitted critical update 1.2.2 to the App Store.

We thank you for your patience, crash logs that you sent to us and we also appreciate very much all your support.


Can you believe it? Version 1.2 is released to App Store!

We really did not expect it to appear so quickly, it’s been several days only since we’ve submitted.

Our most heartfelt thanks to Apple!

Of course, you’ll be able to lay your hands on iPad version later, for very obvious reasons.

But we really hope that in the meanwhile it will be a pleasure for you to explore novelties in the update of the app for iPhone/iPod Touch.

Go for it 🙂

P.S. We’ve received huge of requests to reveal screenshots for the iPad version.

So you got us. Here is the screenshot from the iPad version, enjoy 🙂


Version 1.2 submitted – runs native on iPad!

There was no other way to make iStudiez Pro good for iPad other than completely change the interface. So we did it. Moreover, we dare say we like how we did it. Hopefully Apple agrees and you’ll be able to enjoy it since April 3rd 🙂

Now, read and rock: for all of you guys who have already bought iStudiez Pro for iPhone/iPod Touch, iPad version goes for free!

Additional bonuses pack for version 1.2 includes:
• Palette range to mark your courses is expanded with 5 additional colors
• Current semester now shown on top when creating an assignment
• Option to manage assignments inside each course is added
• Option to customize texts on Today screen added
• Option to save your preferences within your data backup
• Option to customize default due time push time for assignments
• Option to alter multiple dots in the Calendar with one single dot
• Loading data backup improved
• Some new icons added

We also fixed:
• Crash while turning off notification for assignment
• Bug when scrolling the list of assignments
• Crash while importing data from Exchange Server

Now, where are grades? That’s what we are sure you’ll ask once you launch the app.
But let us tell you that grades are coming immediately after our beta testers and translators give us green light.

So sleep well and dream of version 1.2. to play with on iPad 😉


iStudiez Pro wins 2009 Best App Ever Award in Education category!

Yeah, welcome the striking news! It was amazing to learn that today iStudiez Pro became the winner in Education category of 2009 Best App Ever Award carried by The results of voting were announced during Macworld 2010 Conference and Expo in San Francisco, California, USA. We are proud with the 1st place and invite you to share this feeling of heady euphoria with us!

Many-many thanks to all of you who voted our app both in Education and Productivity category! It is owing to your support that we are eager to deliver to you even more now on. We’re full of inspiration and ideas and will very soon reveal the special features of our nearest update.

Stay with us and spread the word, iStudiez Pro is worth your trust!


iStudiez Lite now available on App Store

To make it easier for those of you who are not in favor of quick decisions, we’ve created iStudiez Lite version. It is intended to satisfy a want of those who feel it important to get acquainted with the app for FREE before buying it.

iStudiez Lite limits you to managing:
1 semester
3 courses
5 classes per course
7 assignments
5 instructors
2 holiday periods

NOTE: Push notifications and backup options are not included in iStudiez Lite.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the app and (of course!) found it absolutely indispensable to survive your academic epoch, you can upgrade to iStudiez Pro with all your data safely transferred to the pro version from the lite one.


Version 1.1.3 released

We were lucky to get it released before the grand holiday period, so let’s say it’s a little present for you guys 🙂

In 1.1.3 we’ve improved Calendar stability, rearranged settings and made some corrections to the Chinese Simplified, Dutch and French localizations.

Following your requests we implemented names for the exams option and added more sounds to choose from when setting up push notifications. Enjoy!

And, we’ve finally translated the app into the Japanese language adding up the localizations of iStudiez Pro to the jubilee number of 25!

More news to come after the holidays…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!