On the Verge of iStudiez Pro Yosemite Update

Tired of waiting for iStudiez Pro Yosemite update? Well, it’ll be worth it!

We are not giving you here the estimated ETA of the release for the reason that it is simply not set yet. We’re working overtime to bring this biggest-since-the-initial-release update to you and we want to make it nice and flawless.

The update will be FREE for all current users of the app. Requires OS X 10.7 or later, including OS X 10.10 “Yosemite”.

Here is a screenshot for you, we are still polishing it, but you can already feel what the final look will be.
So patience, guys, we know you are waiting and we’ll speed it up.


Watch Comes on the Screen

We just got our hands on  Watch SDK and we are super enthusiastic to have a new space for iStudiez Pro development. There is a lot of work to do, and as always we desperately need your feedback (whatever it is) to help us understand the best way of transporting iStudiez Pro to the new platform.

So what we actually ask of you:

1. TELL us (in every possible way you can) what iStudiez Pro features you think are CRUCIAL to see on Apple Watch.

2. COMMENT on suggestions of others to help us get better picture and create new exiting experience for you.

3. CRITICIZE on features you consider NOT to be seen in iStudiez Pro on Apple Watch.

Thanks in advance for your support!


iStudiez Pro and iOS 8: Roadmap

We are writing this quick message to update everyone as for the upcoming update of iStudiez Pro for iOS 8.

Right now the release candidate is almost fully tested and we hope to submit the new version 1.7.8 this weekend (then we should wait for Apple to approve, as always). Note that current version available in the App Store was released prior to the release of iOS 8, so of course it might be not that compatible with it. Upcoming version 1.7.8 will fix issues that are now bugging the app when it is used on iOS 8.

After that you should expect one more update that will host new features particularly implemented for smoother use of the app on iOS 8.

P.S. iStudiez Pro 1.7.8 will only support iOS 7/8 and will additionally support iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

iStudiez Pro iOS 8 compatible update has been submitted for review. Commonly it takes up to week for the app to be approved by Apple.

Update 2:
After the previous update of iStudiez Pro was released we received lots of emails and complaints about the app’s incompatibility with iOS 8. We do read your tweets and comments on our Facebook page and blog, and we decided to remind you a bit how things are.

iStudiez Pro only supports the official iOS/OS X releases, so we never released any betas and do not plan to do so in the future.
Once the update is ready it is tested on ALL iOS and OS X betas and on the official release. If everything is OK the update is sent to Apple for review. And since that moment all we can do is wait for approval (just like all of you guys). iStudiez Team is not able either to foresee or affect the approval timeline. Neither complaints, nor open letters will make Apple work faster. They are already doing their work as fast as they can.

With the major iOS/OS X release lots of apps are usually updated, and each is awaiting for approval. Sometimes the queue goes faster, but if no such luck then we need to be patient.

Thank you for understanding.

Finally, the latest update is approved and released, so please update your reviews, this will inspire us further.


iStudiez Pro for Windows RELEASED!

Let’s celebrate together: 50% discount till 5th of September.

As promised, guys, here you go – iStudiez Pro for Windows is available for download directly on our online store.

Special offer will last only 7 days until the 5th of September, so you know…

Please note that this is the first Windows version of the app, so any feedback is very welcome, we need to know what we’ll need to fix first in the update 🙂

We are happy today as much as you are, for two reasons. The first one is simple – huge work was done to release before September and we managed to fit into the deadline. The second reason is that now we can progress faster with our new projects, and we hope you’ll support us as always.

P.S. We thank everyone for their patience and support, especially in sharing the news about the upcoming Windows version release. As promised we’ll send FREE license of iStudiez Pro for Windows to 10 winners randomly selected among those who shared the news about the upcoming release on their Facebook pages.

UPDATE : Please check the list of iStudiez Pro giveaway winners on our Facebook page


iStudiez Pro Comes to Windows. August 2014.

We know this is huge news for many of our users, so did not want to unveil any details before we finally had the first version ready for testing. So, yes, iStudiez Pro will come to Windows platform this August before your classes start.

We can definitely predict the paramount question you would like to ask: whether you will be able to sync your existing data from iOS and OS X versions to the Win version. YES YOU WILL, and our Cloud Sync is FREE of charge as always.

For those who are attentive: iStudiez Pro for Windows will come at a special introductory price for only 7 days since the release date. So keep an eye on our blog not to miss the deal!

We hope you will enjoy iStudiez Pro for Windows not less than its iOS and OS X companions.

P.S. Would you help us spread the word? 😉

UPDATE : The upcoming release is going to be for Windows Desktop only. 


Launch of In-App Store: Medical and Recreation Icon Sets Available

It’s been since forever that you were asking us to create more unique icons for iStudiez Pro, to mark particular classes and leisure events. Almost every two days we received special requests from students of various majors to add specialized icons for their daily subjects.

But there is no need in adding tons of icons to the app at once, so we decided to launch in-app store where student of each specialty can find icon sets he or she likes.
Our designers team created these icons with great pleasure and anxiously waiting for your feedback 😉

We start from presenting to you sets of Recreation and Medical icons available now through in-app purchase. In-app store can be reached on iOS 7 only! No need to get mad: you’ll see them in iStudiez Pro on your Mac too.

BTW, there is a free introductory icon set of recreation icons, go download it right now and enjoy assigning them to your leisure activities!

More sets of icons are in the pipeline, so if you wish that we add Architecture or Biology, or Music, or Art sets of icons, be sure to send us a message, we need to know what you need the most! 🙂

Of course we had to change the way how you can select and assign new icons now, hope you like it.


iStudiez Pro Turns 5!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY iStudiez Pro! 🙂

Both iOS and OS X versions 66% OFF – just TODAY!

It’s really been five years since the app first appeared in the App Store. Students from all over the world received the app very well back then, and we were excited and inspired with all the feedback we started to receive.

During these five years our primary goal was to keep the app up to the needs of students of different countries, time zones, languages, various types of weird schedules (yeah, you know better…) and make the app helpful, as much as it is at all possible with all that crazy student life.
We started with iPhone app, then made it to the iPad and OS X, and very soon available for …. Ooops, almost let it out!

Now, five years past, we can say that the iStudiez Pro we give you now is a solid, self-supporting, super hot application that is widely used by high school, college and university students, sometimes their parents 😉 and their teachers (yeah, that happens although we specially dedicated iTeacherBook app for that).

So today we wish to share our joy with you guys! We address students in North and South Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia – we love you for your support and we will continue to take good care of you through iStudiez Pro!

P.S. You are welcome to send us your greetings 🙂


Introducing Schedule Sharing in iStudiez Pro

The biggest thing to appreciate in the update we just released is the possibility to share iStudiez Pro schedule to third-party calendars and vice versa. It’s been a while since we have decided to add this option to the app. And it took some time to figure out what would be the best way to integrate it with third-party calendars and make it work smoothly.

We managed to find an elegant solution when implementing our ideas, and as a result you have a smart and simple way to share your schedule to your friends or see their iStudiez Pro schedule in the calendar you are most used to:

We consider this update an important step towards the expansion of iStudiez Pro as a unique global application dedicated to students and their needs and wishes.

As always, we have added some bonuses to the update:

• online classes can now be added without any association with time, location and room. Add the class, see it above all classes in today view, tap the link and go study!

• the flexibility of setting up your schedule is now improved – you can set up classes that take place every odd/even working days.

• search option is now available in the Mac version of the app.

We actually had to do some fixing as well: shift schedule issue, holiday schedule refresh issue, percent GPA scale saving issue…
Oh, and if you wish you can turn off notifications on a device where you do not wish to see them. They won’t be disturbing you now on all your devices at once!

In general, we hope you enjoy this update. If anything does not work (the app crashed, your data is lost or your device drowned), well, this is not a perfect world and you know where to find us.

More news coming soon… 🙂


Vote for iStudiez Pro As The Best College App

Dear Friends!

Thanks a lot for your help and nominations, we made it to the voting round of BestAppEver Awards in the Best College App category!
However, we still need your support to get to the winner place in the category, so please click the button below and VOTE for ISTUDIEZ PRO as Best College App ever!

Voting is open though March 15, 2014. You still have the time, but better do it now and let your friends help us too 😉

Vote for iStudiez Pro as the Best College App