Cloud Sync is back to normal operation

Here’s the chronology of what happened to our Cloud Sync service recently.

SUN, JAN 21, 2018
Our hosting provider decided to update hardware & software on our servers as measures to prevent security vulnerabilities.

We as client were not able to either decline these services or influence them in any way.
Usually such maintenance works are underway no more than 4-5 hours, so the announcement from the hosting provider did not raise any of our concerns.
After the maintenance was complete, part of servers were back to normal working order.
However, some of the servers were still down.

We’ve spent the entire weekend trying to get in touch with the provider to reveal the origin of the problem.
The connection with the failed server was completely lost.

MON, JAN 22, 2018
After 48 hours of silence the hosting company was finally able to clarify the situation occurred.
They’ve confirmed that there was a hardware problem (failed HDD) with one of our servers.
We were trying to get the data from the failed server and at the same time were in a search of alternatives to our current hosting provider.

TUE, JAN 23, 2018
Despite our multiple requests through all available communication channels, the hosting provider has not changed the failed HDD on the server yet.
We have already set up the new server with a new hosting provider.

WED, JAN 24, 2018
We restored Cloud Sync service back to normal operation.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding, patience and cooperation.


Little Merry Update!

Acknowledgements first! Thanks a ton to our TestFlight beta testers who worked hard to make sure they never lose any bug creeping past them in the last update of iStudiez Pro. It let us make some really nice polishing and deliver you the results.

iStudiez Pro now works flawlessly on iOS 11. Furthermore, iPhone X users may be pleased with the UI improvements (here we go, on a never-ending road to perfection).

We hope you like the course statistics available now in Planner pane on iPhone.
Yet we dare think you may also adore some other small yet powerful candies in the app 😉

iStudiez LITE just got the biggest update too. With all the novelties the Pro version has had in 2017 (yep, Drag & Drop, Split View etc.) the first-use-experience of our newcomer users should be similar to unpacking a Christmas present 🙂
That’s how we hint that you can easily recommend iStudiez LITE to those who have not yet made up their minds to own the Pro version.

AND, be brave and be our ambassadors, as we are always on guard for you.

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See your classes with Siri Watch Face

We got actually excited with it as soon as we saw it on watchOS 4. Pretty handy!
You’d get excited too if you knew that you could actually see your schedule with Siri Watch Face.

How? Simple enough: using Schedule Sharing in iStudiez Pro you can export your schedule to the Calendar app and voilà!
Your classes will show up in the new Siri Watch Face.

What’s even cooler: they’ll be always up to date.


iStudiez Pro Drag & Drop feature available for testing

Why should I test it?
For the very same reason as always – you guys are right there, in the battlefield, so all your comments are proven by your sweat and blood 😉

What’s there to test?
Drag & drop within iOS 11 Beta. Oh, you shall love it…

How do I test?
Send us a message in any way you prefer: support email, Facebook message, Twitter, whatever. We will need your Apple ID for TestFlight.

Hurry as we are impatient to get your first feedback…


How about we work together?

As the iOS 11 Public Beta is out to taste, most of you might have already installed it.
If that’s so, the better as we have some developments going on regarding iPad version of iStudiez Pro, and we’ve got something to ask of you.

Remember we implemented Split Screen on iPad a while ago? We thought you might also like Drag & Drop, but we need your opinions to understand how exactly you would use it WITHIN iStudiez Pro.
Who would know better than you, in the end?

You are welcome to send us your suggestions as comments to this post or to our support email.
Ideally we wish to be ready with the new features for the back-to-school time.

Thanks a lot!


Vacations soon?! Not for iStudiez Team ;)

Instead, we feed on your feedback as our inspiration and make the app better with each update.
And here we go, it’s all about iStudiez Pro for Watch this time.

We saw for some of you Free Time slots in complication are rather unbearable (students study like crazy these days!), so now you can turn this off.
On the other hand, it was obvious you wanted assignments and exams to show up in Overview, so we added that. That is why we use Watch, right? Whole picture at just one short glance!
Love it!

And, feel free to choose grid or list view, based on your mood today.
Gosh, spread the word guys, the app is a gem! 😉

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Seems like it’s starting soon ;)

And there is no way to escape. Exams are waiting for you out there, just behind the corner, silently…

Go for them and win this battle! Stay alert way before they’ll be expecting you to be ready. One swipe right from Today pane in iStudiez Pro for iOS to see all your upcoming exams – and you’ll never be taken aback. Small present from iStudiez Pro team for you to achieve big.

Right in time, hah? 😉
Info worth sharing (AND reviewing), we would say…


iStudiez Pro iPad Split Screen Support

For those who love to be in control and think time management is not just something ephemeral, we are glad to present a new update of iStudiez Pro with a Split Screen option support.

The split screen option has been long available from Apple, but it took a long time to implement it gracefully with our app, now it’s all yours.
We hope it to be helpful if you are used to switch between iStudiez Pro and other apps, browsing or copy pasting the info to the app.

We would also like to express our gratitude to all our beta testers for their continuous assistance, nagging and reporting. You guys have our hearts.

Please talk more about iStudiez Pro, it is you who drive the tune 😉

P.S. We are aware of the course name show problem under Assignments pane. The work is already in progress!

Stay Tuned!

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